I feel like everyone has an opinion more so those who do not have Alopecia, one person told me "I don't like you with wigs it doesn't look natural, so don't wear the wig, there's no reason to cover your head if people don't like the way you look that is their problem" another comment I got was "Why are you wearing a hat, stop shaving your head or the hair won't grow back"

I don't mind advice but, sometimes it can be a little much. To me my wig is my hair. The person who told me he didn't like wigs seems to be the one with the problem as I haven't had any other discussion about it except positive responses.

Any thoughts???

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Whoever is making those comments doesn't have a clue what you deal with everyday! It is about how you feel whit yourself not what others think! You are beautiful any way you choose to be seen around others so do your thing!!! We are all supportive of your decision!

My favorite was the person who told you to take off the wig, and just show your bare head,  "if they don't like the way you look thats their problem" time for someone to take their own advice.  I get the same thing, sometimes it is well meaning question type of things, but I've decided that anyone who really makes me feel bad about this, I don't need them in my life, I know that sounds harsh, but even family has been cold and hurtful to me, and I find it really off putting, I try my best to treat others the way I would want to be treated, I may not succeed all the time, but I would never try and make another feel bad about something that was happening to them, and not in their control. I say we should all surround ourselves with people who lift us up, and put relationships that hurt and drag us down on the back burner. I'm sorry you have had this experience but remember you get to choose your hair, with or without a wig is totally up to you, So hush the nay sayers.

Amen! Aimee, BLee, & Christine I loved reading what you all had to say and I thank you all for your support. It's refreshing in this day and age to hear and see women of all ages and walks of life support eachother even if they have never met in person. I hope to continue to learn about Alopecia Areata and all other forms.

It's important to stay informed without judging eachother or yourself. Though not judging yourself is easier said than done at times. I hope this finds you well and that we may continue chatting. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Stay strong all my new alopecia friends! I can't tell you how much this website has helped me feel better about myself! I know I'm not alone in my struggles! Have a great day everyone! Until later!
Ok I need some support on wearing scarf to work or not? I always wear a wig to work!


I like you in a scarf, I say go for it. If you can be comfortable in it for a long time of day than I say why not.

Thank you Babarak, that means so much you responded! I asked a friend at work too but it's different because my friend at work isn't bald! Only us understand how it feels to be bald!! I really want to go bald and wear a t- shirt that says " no I don't have cancer I have alopecia" so I don't have to explain to everyone why I'm bald! I have to dress professional at work so it's hard to not wear hair

BLee - great photo of you in the scarf. you have gorgeous eyes! I chose to wear a wig to work, but that's because I got alopecia so young, being bald and sticking out brought back so many bad memories of teasing. Another woman at work got alopecia, and she never wore anything and did great. I was sort of envious of her... being able to be herself, knowing people were looking and wondering why is she bald. But she said this is me and put on some earrings and came to work. She was in her late 30's... already had a good sense of self. So it's such an individual decision... based on so many things.  You look  great in that scarf. If you feel okay with it, my vote is GO FOR IT !!!

Thank you so much Rose!
Hi Blee. Kind of a late reply because I'm new to the site but I'm curious if you wore it to work, and how you felt? I gotta say the scarf looks great. You are blessed with beautiful features, and a good neck! Rock it! I on the other hand have spent most of my life trying to hide my neck with my hair so this hairloss presents an added challenge. I grew up in Minnesota..Big lover of winter/aka Scarf Season! Mind if I ask where you got the scarf?

Recently, I think I experienced a similar issue but it was not about hair. My horse is having issues and of course I want to help him. I have enlisted a psychics, trainers, other horse owners, and every one had a different opinion. I was totally confused until I just sat down, listened to my inner self, and finally came up with some answers.

I think you need to evaluate what makes you feel best, then go with that and try to ignore what other's say. People say the dumbest things, and what they think means nothing. All that matters is how you feel. If you feel better about yourself in a wig, that is what you should do.

I, personally wear hair every day. Some people make an issue of it, but I do not care what they think. I like myself better with hair, and I believe this makes me strong, beautiful, and more in balance with who I feel I am at my core.

If someone else has issues with this I am sorry for them. I know who I am, and choose to display myself as I see I am. There is nothing wrong with me, it is they that have the issue.

Believe you are beautiful and other's will see you that way. Good luck to you.

I can't really add anything to these posts, they are great....just present yourself how you feel most comfortable.




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