who know this one, i could not download the article? is it
Hi Kevin
Does the trial start in 2018 or does the trial end in 2018 ? I thought I read somewhere that the trial started in June 2016.
It's hard to believe all of the doctors that do not help alopecia patients. Why do they want to use chemicals to put onto your scalp, follicles and eventually the chemicals are released into the body through the head. Don't do that.
This is how Monat hair products address DHT. DHT is the #1 killer of hair follicles. DHT gets into the follicle and the bulb. The bulb holds and stabilizes the hair. When DHT is removed through the use of Monat products (with Capixyl and 10 other ingredients that address DHT), your hair can grow back in most cases. So, unless the follicles are dead from too many chemicals, your chances are good to regrow hair. It's a slow process. The money you spend in the doctors office is ridiculous. Don't put rogaine and minoxidil on your head. They are full of chemicals.
Reply if you need further info....
Stay hopeful.
is this a separate thing from the IL2 trials being done in France right now? the article mentions a trial using 29 people, which is substantially different from the 5 initial IL2 patients in france. Also the drug identifier looks a lot different, though I'm no expert
There are differents trials/ differents drugs....
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