Happy holidays! I'd like to hear from Alopecians who wear the Gripper wig. Specifically, I'd like to know:

  • How well do the "standard" cap sizes fit? I have an unusually small, smooth head with very short temple and ear-to-ear measurements.
  • Is there a lace front? Is it temple-to-temple (which I prefer), or ear-to-ear? If not a lace front, is the wig designed so that you have to wear bangs (which I don't prefer)?
  • How comfortable is the cap? Is there a combination of mono-top with stitched rows, or is the entire cap hand tied?
  • How does it fare during exercise. I am looking for a wig that will stay put during rigorous dance competitions.
  • Anything else you want to say about it.



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I have a gripper or something like it from Peggy Knight.  My peice was custom, Peggy made a mold of my head so It fits to my head.  It has a lace front.  In my opinion the cap is not comfortable,  when I sweat the wig slips off and I have to go somewhere private to fix it.  The cap is made out of a mesh material and the front is lace with silacone around the edges to grip to my head.  The peice is ok for exercise, although it does slip a bit.  Everbody says how natural the wig looks, and I am able to put in up in a pony tail, so I guess thats a plus.  I do lilke the fact that you don't need to tape it on everyday, but it's just not as secure as i would liike it to be.  I guess whatever wig I get won't be the same as my own hair. If you have any questions just ask. I hope this helps.  If you want to see pictures I think I have some on my page,  just friend me.



Thank you so much, Becca!
Hi there,

I have a Peggy Knight Gripper. I LOVE it. I've worn vacuums for years and never thought I would wear anything but vacuums. It is very secure, although, of course not as secure as a vacuum. It's super comfortable and I don't even know I'm wearing it. The gal who commented before I'm assuming is wearing what Peggy called "the Lacey Light" I have one of those too and the Gripper is WAY WAY better. My LL slipped a little also if I started to prespire alot. The Gripper doesn't do that. Also the Lacey Light was made with Remi-European hair. The Gripper is made with a better quality of hair. The lace front it from temple to temple. So yes, you can wear it with no bangs, which I have never been able to do. It's so nice to have that options. Let me know if you have any other questions. I could put you in contact with someone at PKS so you could see, touch and feel it yourself. :) Hope this helps. BOy, sorry for rambling. Good luck!
I just recieved my gripper. I have no idea how to put it on and it seems really tight. I am waiting to hear from Peggy or Susan to show me how to put it on. I hope I like it they are so expensive the hair feels great though.
Hi Brandy,
Have you worn hairpieces before? You put it on just like a regular wig. With one hand hold the front bang area and with the other the nape area (back of the neck) Put it on in front first and pull it down over your head. Then pull down at the ear area if you need to. It should be snug, but not too tight. Have you heard from Peggy or Susan yet? I hope this works for you, it's a great piece!
Hi Brandy, I am new to Alopecia World. Have had AA for years but only about a month ago have had to resort to a full wig. I am meeting with a Peggy Knight Rep Friday about a Gripper. I saw your post and was wondering if you would mind sharing your experience with it since January. I see you had an issue with the tight fit, something that I believe I have seen as a concern before. I don't mind spending the money (although very expensive) if it means getting it right. Can you provide feedback? Thanks so much. Shelly from Connecticut
Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. I got my gripper cut and have worn it every day since. I love it!!! I am going to order another one. I actually feel like I have real hair :)
Thank you Brandy. I really appreciate it!!

Hi Brandy,

I'm thinking about a gripper. I've been bonding and I hate it. Do you still like your gripper please? Thanks very much. Lynn

Hi Lynn. Yes I do I got my second one and I love it! Even when I was getting it cut I had to tell the lady next to me that it was a hair piece she thought it was my real hair. The whole salon did. It is very comfortable and you don't have to worry about bonding.

Thank you very much Brandy. Do you find it hot at all in the summer, I live in CA?

Does anyone have a Gripper that was ordered with wavy hair. If so, I would like to hear how that turned out.



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