I have been struggling trying to cover up a bald patch on top of my head that keeps growing.  It started in Jan/Feb and although there is a little bit of growth the spot itself is getting  bigger.  I have spent so many days crying but still trying to get on with my life.  I was told stressing over the hair loss is causing it to fall out more, so I decided to take action and buy a wig.  I went to a salon and spoke with a lady who specializes in wigs, and she was absolutely amazing.  She helped me pick out one, and although it is synthetic, it feels real and nobody can tell it is a wig.  It is called Scene Stealer by Raquel Welch and it was more expensive getting from her than it is online but I needed some support for my first wig.  She cut bangs into it for me but the length is so much longer than I am use to, so I may get the length cut up some.  I went out in public with it on and I felt weird, like everyone was staring and I know it was just me thinking it but this is going to take some getting use to.  I want my own hair back but it's not going to happen if I am continuing to stress over it.  I have to get my life back somehow, I was doing better with it but this last month I struggled to cover the spot and lost hope.  I really  hope the wig helps me to stop concentrating on the hair loss and focus on being me again.  My 13 year old son told me I should be on the cover of covergirl with the wig on, he said it looked like natural hair lol, what a sweet talker he is.

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I am going to answer that question (as carefully as possible)

 I have been a provider for many years now, and I do bond women when they are fully informed and understand the risks. At one time I turned these clients down because I have seen massive sores and infections and permanent loss when women bonded prematurely and the provider was not careful with the removal and re-application. I have also had consultations with young women that wanted to bond and had very little significant loss. Knowing that bonding CAN exacerbate the problem of loss and cause other issues makes me choose to make sure the client knows the risks before choosing this as an alternative. I have several clients right now that say they wish they had known before starting to bond about the risk involved.

You are one person that is happy with your choice, and if you were my client I would be as careful as possible to protect the hair you have and not cause further damage. I see several people a day that do not understand the risk involved. Providers don't always disclose this. I worked in a salon where I saw gaping wounds that were caused by bonding  and the owner just blamed the client. I choose not to do this. I will bond, but only after I am sure there is no other alternative that works for the client and when I do bond some do grow hair back that was lost from sloppy service by other professionals.

Yes, it can be stressful if a wig falls off, but it is not the end of the world. In fact, if one has the right attitude, it can be funny. I always tell that I wear hair, to me it is no big deal. No different than wearing makeup. I don't want to be in the position of fooling people when they see that I don't look exactly like they see me every day. So I tell first, protect the hair that I do have, and laugh when life shoots a curve and someone catches me with out my usual look.

Removing the wig every night is no big deal. It takes less time than it takes to wash and style a human hair system, and my hair is ready in 5 minutes the next day.

Universally my clients complain of itching, and I see the red marks on their scalp when we remove. Fortunately I have not had an incident like those I saw in that salon, but again, I am very careful to sterilize and clean each bonded piece and to take it off the head in the least invasive way.  

I am happy it has worked well for you, I see challenges every day with clients that choose bonding.

The best tip I ever heard about wearing wigs is this:  Wear your wig with confidence. I have a whole wardrobe of wigs and they look better than my beautiful hair of my teen years and twenties.  Post a pic!  :)

My husband said he likes the wig better because of the highlights, guess that's an added bonus, no more covering up grey hair haha.  I will try to post a pic.


The wig looks glittery in the pic but it's not haha must be the camera, and it doesn't load right so if u can't see it sorry, I will try again later.

Synthetics' can be difficult to photograph, the light bounces off them differently than human hair. Overall looks nice on you.


This is me in my wig . Stays on on super super windy weather . It can get really windy in Christchurch NZ . And the hair quality is amazing '

Looks awesome,  what wig are you wearing?  Can't even tell you are wearing one, the hairline is excellent, how do u keep yours on?

I read one of your other posts about the wig you are wearing, it is very nice and looks great on you.  I can't get follea wigs around here where I live and I don't want to spend a lot of money. You are very pretty.

Sophie Woods,   do tell, what is the wig you are wearing?  It is absolutely gorgeous on you !!!!  Oh,I see now why it looks so great.....Gripper?  How much did that set you back??  $$$  So worth it....

Glad to hear you love the wig purchased.  I would love to know how long this wig lasts, and continues to look great, being that it is so long, before it gets all frizzed on the ends....that is the problem esp. with long hair wigs.  Lucky you, you don't live in a super hot climate like I do.  I would die in the heat with that on my head....!!!

My advice is when you find a style/color/cut that you like, to always buy at least three of them.....I have seven of the same style/color/cut that I wear "in rotation" so they do not wear out or frizz up so quickly.  And the best part was that I bought them all on sale.



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