Hello wonderful and sage Alopecia World folks,
As I've posted elsewhere, I was diagnosed with alopecia areata about a year and a half ago, and it is now progressing pretty quickly into ophiasis (and maybe beyond). I don't know how much longer I can -- or want to -- deal with the anxiety of wearing headbands or hats all the time while I watch it keep falling out, so I'm thinking of investing in a good wig. The thing is, I don't even know where to begin. I've been combing through the posts on here but am feeling kind of overwhelmed, so I'd love your advice. I want it to be as comfortable and natural-looking as possible (of course--who doesn't?). I still have at least 50% of my hair, so I don't know if fully shaving makes sense, but maybe? Or else just cutting what's left very short? Also, I live in the Washington, DC area, so if anyone happens to have local suggestions, please let me know. Really, though, any and all suggestions or resources that you can point me to would be great. Again, I'm just so overwhelmed by all the information out there that it would be great to hear some specific advice or experiences. Thank you so much!


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Hi Guys

I'm not sure I agree with this practice. I know that being economical is needed, but doing this to your local wigshop will quickly send it broke. Couldn't you work with them and tell them that their pricing is off. They may try and help. I would understand if they were a little more expensive because they have to employ staff, have a shop and carry stock for people to try on (so they can find the wig of their choice), like you are doing.

Why don't you try and talk to them and discuss your need for an more economic price?



I understand your confusion and think you are doing a good job of investigating the options for yourself.

When my daughter first started to loose her hair both her and I (she was only 12 at the time), had to make the same decision you are making now. Like you I was totally overwhelmed with the information out there. In the end I decided to write my own list of needs and wants and then match it to the wig that was going to work for us. A list is a way of consolidating your thoughts and it really helped me. I was looking for a wig that was secure without glues and tape, something that my daughter could live her life in (swim, roller-coaster rides, sports at school etc) without the fear of it coming off. As I am a wig watcher rather than wearer I was very aware of how wigs looked, for me and my daughter natural looks and appeal are very important as I didn't want her to feel she was wearing a poor alternative to her once beautiful biological growing hair. It needed to be comfortable and easy to clean and look after. Libby (my daughter) also wanted to be able to wear her hair in ponytails, french plaits etc., so we need to find a wig that could be parted anywhere on the head and still look 100% natural. These wants and needs lead me to the wig of our choice (a Freedom Vacuum wig). This type of wig has worked for us for the last 10 years - my daughter is now 22 years old and just beginning her first teaching job.

Libby has more than one Freedom Wig with her newest always being her favourite. I have just popped some photo's on my page of her in her latest wig. If you want to have a wee looksee just pop in and say hi. :)

There are many things that may be different or more important to you than the list I had, so keep investigating and working out your own needs, as I'm sure this will get you where you feel the best.

Take care


Thanks, Rosy! I'm so glad your daughter found a wig she is happy with. And I think your advice is great -- to make a list of needs/wants and then go from there.
A quick question about the Freedom Wig: is it true that you need to be completely bald to wear one? That's my sense, but I'm not sure. It sounds like a great option, but I still have a fair amount of hair and I don't think I'm ready to commit to shaving my head regularly just yet. But either way, it's so helpful to hear about your and Libby's story. Thank you!

I would suggest checking out the wigsupport site. There is alot of information on it and alot of pics. We order all lace wigs for my daughter from qdbeauty.com. This is a chinese vendor. We are happy with them right now.

Thanks, Karen!
I have a similar question for you as for Rosy: do you need to be mostly/completely bald to wear a lace wig, or is it possible to still have some hair? I'm just trying to figure out what my options are in terms of shaving/cutting/keeping the hair I still have.
Thank you so much!

You do not have to be bald to wear a lace wig. You would tape it in front of your hair line. They make wig caps also. My daughter is in a regrowth cycle now so she has some hair.


Just to help to wear a Freedom Wig you have to have no hair or be prepared to shave the hair you have.

My daughter has had her hair grow back 5 times in the last 10 years. When she was sixteen she regrew her hair, but it fell out again after 8 months. At that point she decided never to focus on her regrowth unless it was all back and had been fairly stable for a year....that has never happened, she constantly looses and regrows her hair. She really prefers the hair she can trust (her wig).


Karen and Rosy, thanks so much for the additional information. It's very helpful!

Check out my post i did on a wig review i dont want to shave my hair i have like 90% of my hair and i wear with no glue no tape juz put it on and go! European hair about to my bra strap it costed me 1500 it lasts years with good care and my old one a still looks good noone knows i wear a wig and im a hairstylist! It was the venice wig from loris wigsite under impression collection.

Hi Eli,

I made a huge mistake with my first wig, so it's a good idea to get some suggestions. My first wig was human hair, but it was intended for a Cancer patient, meaning it was more for show, and less for living in. It was really heavy and when I moved around a lot it didn't look very real. I moved on the synthetic hair and cyberhair, and that worked for a while, but I found that it was really shiny and didn't look real. I also couldn't curl it or straighten it which was frustrating. Right now I'm back to wearing human hair, but this one is specifically made for alopecians which is awesome. I forget the name of it (My mom always orders for me, but I'll check the name), but it is such a good wig. I exercise in it, swim in it, basically do everything in it. People are always super surprised when they find out it's a wig. It's really important, I think, to find a wig that you can live in. It's gotten to the point that I just feel like I have hair. I know it's not the same, but I refer to it as my hair, not my wig, and I feel like I can do the same things as everyone else. I curl it, straighten it, french braid it... It's just like having hair!
Goodluck finding your wig! I definitely suggest human hair!


Heather, thank you! I'd love to know the name of that wig if you find it! It sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. I actually have an appointment at a wig salon tomorrow, so your message has come at a perfect time. Thanks, and I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying it!

Heather, you tried Cyberhair? It is also shiney? Any other views on that type of hair? I take it the HH wigs that you wear are bonded to your head, or glued, as you swim in them. I am only seeking something I can wear all day and feel confident in it, but not looking to sleep or swim in a wig. Try to find out the wig you get and where you buy from. Thanks so much.



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