Hi There- After struggling for years to find good quality euro toppers I am thinking about shaving my head and buying a "Gripper 2 Sport Wig from Follea". I was told today at my consult that you can sleep in these wigs. Just wondering if anyone on this site have a Gripper Sport and do they sleep in it?
Thx Sarah

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I have a gripper and I would not recommend sleeping in it. It actually has worn out so much faster than my freedom vacuum. I think if you slept in it that it would speed the wear out process even faster. I have also noticed that the hair has not worn as well as my vacuum either. I don't think the quality is as good as a vacuum.

If you absolutely don't want anyone to see you bald, and want to sleep in your hair then get a bonded on hair system like I have. You can either leave the little hair you have or shave it off. It doesn't really matter. It is expensive though and must be serviced in a salon once a month. If you have any other questions let me know.

Hi Dominique- thanks for your reply. That is what I have now (bonded topper) but I am having a hard time finding toppers (custom) that are made of good quality euro hair not chinese or indian.
Where do you purchase your toppers?
Thx Sarah

I don't wear a topper, although I could get one at the place I go to if I needed less coverage, I wear a full system that is a bonded on custom-made European Hair full cap wig. I have it done at Hair Systems of Long Island, so if you don't live near me I would suggest checking out Hair Replacement salons in your area.

Hi Dominque- I do live in Canada and we don't offer anything like this here. I went onto the website for Hair Systems of Long Island and there is only one before and after pic and limited info. Can you email me a pic of you in your piece at pacefitness@rogers.com? How often do you have to replace the system and how much do they cost?
Thx for your help,

There's got to be a place that does bonding closer to you than Long Island! I can't believe Canada doesn't offer anything like that. Have you done a comprehensive online search?

My systems cost about $2200 a piece with a $100 monthly service charge. They can last up to a year or longer, but I like mine very blonde so they don't last as long. It is very secure, can be put in a pony tail and looks very good and pretty natural in my opinion.

New Roots Hair Replacement Systems is located in Toronto I think.

You can purchase human hair toppers of great quality from Follea.

Thx for the info. Who makes your vacuum wig?

Hi Sarah

Alyce wears a Peggy Knight Vacuum Wig, which is no longer available. (PKS Vacuums were a slightly older technology, but many still like the cap type, which is available from Freedom Independent Agents)

If you would like any info about Freedom vacuum wigs, the newer cap type is also available from your Freedom Independent Agents. :)


hi, I do have one and I slept in it for 2 months. I also sleep in it know when I'm on vacation or I'm spending the night to some friends. it's ok, though in the summer i find it a little bit warm. my scalp tends to bbecome oily where the silicon parts are. also, if you sleep in it, it needs to be washed more frequently as it becoming oily just like your own hair.

After 2 months I bought a sintetic wig to sleep in it as i was very concerned not to "harm" my precious Follea. Know I'm sleeping using a turban (also Follea:P) and it feels just great.
Also, the life of your wig depends on how much you will wear it, so if you sleep in it the lifetime might be reduced. you might try to get an alternative just to be sure that you will have your follea for as long as you can ;)

let me know if I can help you with any other info.


I'm wearing mine since 2.01.2012 :) and it looks just great after almost 8 months. If you take good care of it it will up to 2 years.

Hi Sarah,
No matter what hair piece you get it is not recommended to sleep in the piece. You should concider using another piece that is less expencive to sleep in. If you want to contact me, I will give you some sugestions to keep the hair looking good. Cwestgb@aol.com.
Carmen West



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