Hi there my fellow alopecians, : )

I've noticed that once a person finds a solution to something, they sometimes forget to share where or what it is they found. I'm somewhat new to this but have explored my fair share of options for eyelashes over the past year.
I had to share that I've recently found some fakes made by Revlon that require no glue! They have a self adhesive strip already applied. These, I must say are amazing! If you are going out for a night on the town please give them a shot. They are called Revlon fantasy lengths lashes ( come in a black box). I got mine from the local CVS (99500 was the # on the set). They were extremely secure and comfortable, not to mention beautiful! They are a tad bit more costly than regular fakes but sooo worth the money in my opinion, running around $7 or $8.
Just had to share. Happy primping!


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Hi Lily,

The box comes with the lashes all ready to go. There is also another set of adhesive strips included for a second wear. I'm still on the first and I've worn them about 4 times now. You know how us alopecians can "find a way." Of course, the original wear is when they looked their best. I applied them this morning once again, so I'm on day four and they still look great; but I had to cut them down because I unfortunately got some of the adhesive entangled in the lash hair. Ugh, go figure. Sorry for that huge run-on sentence. Anywho it's great not having to deal with all that messy glue! Well, In a rush to get my pups to the vet. Hope this helps. I'll definitely be making a second, third purchase! Good luck
Thank you Nicole for the information.
Thanks Nicole. I think I might have a wee look around NZ and see if I can source these for my daughter. Great info. :)

I'd have a birthday party for any hair my body could possibly grow lol; so no, I do not have that problem. I removed the adhesive strip and applied the black glue just yesterday and they still looked great. They did not droop down into the eyes. I will be purchasing a ton of these soon enough.
I LOVE these! I have had the hardest time with false eyelashes and GLUE (ugh -- in the eye...not so fun). These were great! I'm heading out on vacation and so excited to bring them along. What a great bit of advice and thank you for taking the time to share it! LOVE your hair by the way...it's got to be real...right?
Real in the sense it was grown from someone else's scalp, yes. lol
Glad I could help with the lashes. Sometimes it's just better to have a pair that can be so simply applied. Happy vacationing!
Wow! Your hair looks really great - truly YOURS actually! Do you have a freedom wig too???
No, for the moment I'm happy with lace. I really enjoy styling my hair. I'd be afraid if I got the freedom I'd style all the hair OUT of my wig. lol I'm not easy on my hair by any means. You look great btw!
I wanted to add my thanks for this tip on eyelashes. I passed it along to my 20-year old daughter who lost eyelashes/eyebrows about 18 months ago, and although she didn't say a word about it, when I picked her up for a weekend home from college, she was wearing them. And they looked great! She tried once or twice to apply the standard eyelashes but had too much trouble with getting glue in her eyes, so she gave up. Thanks for sharing!



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