Has anyone tried one of these diets for an extended period of time? I've been on a paleo diet for over a year now but looking to try a more intensive diet to heal my gut and restore my immunity. Thanks for any insight.


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I went on paleo diet and I still am following it. I also try to drink clear water filtered, purified, and mineralized with shungite. It's safe and healthy to use. You can read more info on this site https://shungite-c60.com/what-is-shungite/.

I have tried many diets and made certain conclusions. The diets you find are not as effective if you don't include exercise. The weight loss system only works in this combination. All diets that focus on sudden weight loss tend to worsen your health, after which the weight comes back. When adhering to the diet rules, it is mandatory to keep a water tracker and weight control. I used smart scales for such purposes. They may be useful for you, too https://www.vont.com/product/smart-scale-bathroom-scale-weight-scale/ . Tell me a little more about what you have already tried?

Hi Jason.  Let me preface by saying I'm still bald.  But I've gone from 5 years of universalis to totalis after 1 year on intermittent fasting.

The theory is that poor gut health contributes to systemic inflammation.  Systemic inflammation is a key driver of alopecia.  If the gut is full of food all day, it has no chance to heal.  By leaving the stomach empty for at least 16 hours a day, with 20 hours a day optimal, the gut has a chance to repair itself.  I try to only eat an early dinner, then a bedtime snack around 8pm.  I've been told sugar is a big inflammation driver.  Unfortunately, I'm a sugar addict.  My snack is always something sweet, and I have 12 ounces of soda or a juice usually with dinner.  I've tried to cut the sugar out as well, but it's made me fall off the fasting wagon.  

I went 5 years without a hair on my body.  a nutritionist recommended I try fasting.  I now have eyebrows and eyelashes, which go a long way to making me look like a regular bald guy instead of an alien.  I also have about 20% scalp coverage, which is all white, and spread out pretty evenly.  I was starting to go salt and pepper at age 40 when I lost my hair, and I've been assuming this is the 'salt' part of my hair regrowing, since typically, pigmented hair is more prone to falling out with alopecia.  I don't have enough hair to stop shaving it.  But after 12 months, it is something.  



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