Hello, I am new to this forum, I hope this subject has not been discussed before.
I have alopecia areata, basically located in the back of my head. It began last May with a single bald spot, now there are many spots here and there. Treatments: I had cortison (steroids) first in pills, for a month in summer, and some pills with nutritive elements, and now today I had the last shot of steroids (kenakort) of a set of three intramuscular shoots (yes, it is different from what I have read here, but I live in Italy, I think there are differences). I also took a lot of tests that showed that I am perfectly healthy; no diabetes, no thyroids problems, no immune system diseases, nothing. I only have some allergies, but these are there since my youth (now I have just turned 40) which are just due to contact with some stuffs like nickel, preservative (tymerosal), soap (I use some alternative soap, don't worry! Ehehe!), perfumes... etc ... if I touch those stuffs I get eczema.
I decided to stop treatments, because even with steroids my hair is still falling, never arrested to fall. Some hair is growing in the oldest spot, but still... other are falling! So, why fill my body with drugs? I bought a wig on an internet site and I am waiting for my parcel... as it is an human hair wig, I went to the hairdresser shop and I asked my hairdresser if she could be able to help me to adjust the wig (cut, etc...).
And was there that I got really upset. She started telling me I should find the cause of this alopecia, the true cause, and she told me to go to see a psych... in other words to go in analysis.
Well... I am really not keen in telling my intimate thoughts to anyone, let alone a psychiatrist. I don't believe in psychiatry... but... I am wondering now if alopecia may be treated in this way...
what do you think?