I am the mother of a four year old boy who developed alopecia last May.  Within a couple of months he was completely bald.  It was the most traumatic experience of my life... just watching more and more hair disappear and knowing I couldn't stop it.  Any time we went out and he wasn't wearing a hat, people thought he had cancer.  It was just so surreal... I couldn't believe it was happening to my little boy.  I was thankful it wasn't life threatening, but I was so terrified that he would be made fun of at school his whole life or would have trouble getting a girlfriend when he got older.  I tried all different treatments... steroid cream, aromatherapy oils, and an herbal treatment from India, but the hair just kept falling out until he had only a couple of strands left.  Then I found another treatment made by a scientist in Israel called Hair Up, and after a couple of weeks using it I noticed new hair growth.  After five months of using the treatment, he now has over 90% of his hair back.  At first I was worried that his hair was simply growing back on its own and it was just a coincidence that it started growing back when I started using the treatment.  But then about a month ago we went away for four days and forgot the medicine (I was sooo upset) and when we returned I noticed there were two new bald spots.  I started using the treatment again and it stopped falling out and began growing again.  Has anyone else on here used this treatment and had similar results?

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Hi Saida

Im so sorry to hear your daughter hasn't had any luck with Hair Up. we are trying it right now, its been 2 months. There is a fair amount of white regrowth but still some bald spots. Did your daughter have NO regrowth at all?
Hope you find something.

I recently found out that my grandmother from dad's side had AU i don't know much about her lets just say that is a long story....as far as regrowth she does have about a quater size spot full of the white fuzz, she is still loosing hair though not as fast but then there really isn't much left. It seems that she is going to have regrowth on some spots but then loose it in another, her eyebrows are also thining. I really hope it works for you guys don't loose hope
Hello Everyone, (Saida, Fizza, & Thea)

I am sorry to hear about your results, I wish you all the very best.
My prayers and thoughts and with you.

I don't know what to say, and i don't understand why my results are different from you.

best regards
i know how you feel reading your post sounds just like how i feel my son is six and has alopecia , he has had it since he was two and a half and the most of that time he has had no hair, no eyelashes and no eyebrows his hair finally regrew last year and stayed for about six months and now he is again totally bald , we didnt use any treatments he has a great personality and doesnt let it bother him , he is truely my hero
Hi my name is Evelyn, my daughter Amanda has AA she's lost about 30% of her hair. Can you give me some more info on this "Hair Up" treatment. I've tried a few things and nothing seems to work. Is Hair Up a shampoo? ointment? Does this treatment have a website? I tried to google the info and got alot of junk. I'd like to to look into this some more.
I am interested in knowing if the Hair up treatment gave you lasting results... i just recently contacted Mr. Gonen and he said that he didn't guarantee any growth but that I could try it for my 11 year old daughter. She also goes to a pediatric dermatologist who wants to try a prednisone treatment an didn't think I should try hair up for fear it is a "scam". Please advise your experience
Hello Rocio

I felt I needed to share our experience in using Hair Up on our 7 year old son. His story short: As a toddler he had parts behind his ears where the hair didn’t grow. We thought it would grow with age which it did. 2 years ago we discovered a small spot on the left side of his head. It has been growing non-stop since then and more spots came. We tried steroid cream, indian herbal oils and now finally for the last 5 months Hair Up. Almost one year after discovering the spot we noticed the first signs of regrowth. Tiny little white hairs were turning into real dark hair in the place where the first spot began. This was while using the indian herbal oils (still not using Hair Up). The growth was VERY slow and at the same time bald spots were developing all over his head. During the following 6-8 months it was only going the wrong way. In November 2010 he only had hair left on the top and the back of his head (he refused to have it shaved off). So we stopped with the indian herbal oils. In November 2010 we started using Hair Up. We sent pictures to Mr. Gonen in Israel and he didn’t give any guarantees. We decided to try it.

With few exceptions we have used it every day for 5 months now. After the first 2-3 months the hair started growing faster. It is definitely going the right way. His spots are starting to fill in and the hair is growing. The new hair is shiny and soft whereas the parts with the “old hair” that he hasn’t lost is dead and dull and in some parts it is still falling out. However, it is my immediate observation that these new bald spots develop tiny white hairs much faster than what we experienced before using Hair Up. I am quite confident that he will regrow much of his hair within the next 6 months and I am definitely willing to pay the price and give it a try. I am accepting that this might not be the solution on an permanent basis but I cannot “do nothing”. There has been no side effects what so ever except for the extra expense of 8 USD a week in pocket money for my son to agree to wash his hair both mornings and evenings :-). The treatment consists of a shampoo to use mornings and evenings and a kind of “gel” to apply after the washing in the evenings. Very simple. Takes 2 minutes and it smells good.

I have to add that during the whole process we have been seeing a “heil-practiconer” (Direct translation of the Danish/German word) who has been giving him supplements of different minerals and herbal medicines. So of course as non of this is scientifically proven we will never know if he would have regrown some of his hair with or without any of the mentioned treatments. I do have a strong feeling though, that Hair Up has helped speed up things.

Good luck with any treatment you should choose.

To “Baldgirlsdolunch” I admire you on your confidence and acceptance of the situation. I feel the same way about my son. He is great, he is confident and funny. He has lots of friends and the few times with teasing we have dealt with without scars to his soul. If his hair doesn’t grow back or if he loses it all again we will definitely get through it and deal with it. However, the world is full of knowledge that never makes it to the scientific journals but could still be very useful. We all drink tea and put a scarf on when we have a sore throat and we know that pure licorice root has an anti-bacterial effect. But you would never find any of that in a scientific journal. There has been so much life on this planet before any scientific journal saw its light and claimed to be the only valid source for cures of human conditions.

I also have to add that you are underestimating us parents thinking of us as blind sheep who fall for any scam that holds hope for giving our children their hair back. We are also well (scientifically) educated people who do our own critical research prior to buying any product. Yes, we take a chance but we do it with our eyes open. Also there is a mental angle to all this as well. As time passes and different treatments are being tried we go through our own “acceptance process”. Having done this for a few years and seeing our son growing up and developing gives us confidence that we will make it through this challenge no matter the outcome of any treatment. But it takes time, and everybody needs to go through this process in their own way. Accept that, please.
I just wanted to give everyone an update on our experience with the Hair Up treatment. We began using the treatment in September 2009, and Jeremy has since kept all of the hair that regrew. I still occasionally use the treatment, but only once or twice every few weeks. Jeremy's hair looks great. I still can't say for sure whether or not Hair Up was definitely what brought his hair back, but it seems to be too much of a coincidence that the hair began growing back within a couple of weeks of beginning treatment. It took about six months for the hair to completely grow back, so he has had a full head of hair for about a year and a half now. I do continually check his hair for new bald spots, but so far so good. I know that not everyone who has used this treatment has gotten good results, but it certainly worked for us and I think it's worth a shot for people out there who are looking for alternative treatments.

I don't usually participate in threads about treatments as it is something that often becomes personal and emotionally charged. In this case I just want to put another scenario forward so that when people read through this thread they have a little extra information.

My daughter lost her hair at 12, grew it back at 14 it fell out again at 15, grew back at 16, fell out at 17, grew back at 18 fell out at 19 and is growing back again now (she is 20). Since her diagnosis of alopecia areata I have not used any treatments or medications. Her hair has come and gone of it's own accord (she has not been any more stressed or less stressed when it has come or gone), there is also no particular time of the year that this happens....

I often thought if I had been using a treatment or medication I would have fully thought the treatment/medication had made my daughter's hair grow. I have saved myself and my daughter a lot of heartache and money by fully understanding her alopecia is not stable, but is unpredictable and does what it does with no input from us.

It is not unusual for teens, tweens and children to have regrowth and loss regularly.

I have a lovely lady that I help and from a very young age she believed the treatment she was using (Calosal sp?) controlled her hairloss over the years. When she came to see me she just couldn't understand why it had suddenly stopped working...my view was it never worked, she was just like my daughter, her hair came and went at will. The people that sold her the treatment fully realise the facts about alopecia and depend on natural remission to occur to perpetuate the continued use of their product.

This is just my experience and I would suggest many people's experiences with their children.

I understand the want to find something that consistently works, to feel like we can just use what people say and it will all go away. Alopecia Areata is for life (the hairloss associated with it may not be - this may come and go). In the last 40 years there have been no new medications to help those with alopecia areata. I find that a heartbreaking fact. :(

I understand the want for treatments to work...but do your homework as it may save you time, emotional upset and money. I understand acceptance is a process and am not sitting in judgement of whatever choice people make.

Good luck with your wee lad, he looks gorgeous in his piccies.


I also used Hair Up for my son who was 17months old when we started. By this point he was actually almost universalis. All that was left was eyebrows and eyelashes and they had thinned. We didn't even realise the hair on his body was gone until it grew back. My son started losing hair just before his 1st birthday and within 5 months, he was completely bald. Within a year, he had 90% of his hair back. By his 3rd birthday all his hair was back, thick and dark as it had always been. Now, my beautiful son - a few months after turning 3, has started to lose hair again. I've restarted the hair up int he hope that its just one spot, and that it was the hair up that helped it come back. We just moved across the world and I'm sure its stress-related but nothing I can do. I just can't help hugging him every time I see his lovely face and pray that the hair will come back once again.

Its hard to watch your child change every day in front of your eyes and I will keep trying for as long as I can. I hope this will be our last experience with it. It doesn't help that even the "specialist" dermatologists don't have answers for us.

Hello Louise, I have a 16 month old son who just got diagnosed with Alopecia with most of his head bald at this point. Would you please summarize your whole experience, all the sterioids, hair up and other treatments that you may have used in conjunction. My son is already on Elocon corticosteroid. It would really help us to hear a success story from you and get ideas on what to try next.

Hi, How is your son doing now? Has been able to keep his hair? Are you still using the Hair Up?
How did you get the medication? My 15 month old son is going through the same thing. Any advice is appreciated.




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