Did anyone see this show last night? A quote from Julia Louis Dreyfus' character (the Vice President of the US) "The kids had alopecia and the mothers were on crack. It was a freakshow!"

We need to write HBO to tell them that alopecia has NOTHING to do with substance abuse and that we are not "freak shows".


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OH and I thought that actors had some input into the process - but perhaps she does not care and just says the lines she is paid to say - that does not make it any better but even more pathetic.

You know what? I take it back. She is a producer on the show, and in TV that means she does pull weight in the writing department. So go ahead and be mad at her. But no, actors don't have any input.

I can't even reply without becoming infuriated with a certain poster here. Alopecia shouldn't be mocked regardless. If it involves kids...Then it is deplorable. Regardless of age.


Thank you! I mean I have my own book characters with Alopecia but in no way would I ever even if I didn't have the condition myself mock anything like that. I think it'd be easier to make it positive instead of going for horrible offensive humor. It's just disgusting....If you wouldn't do it on the street why write it into a TV show?

I'm sick of television sending bad messages. There's tons of shows making bullying okay and this was an example of it.

Now whilst I may be a bit moody now due to a lack of sleep it still is just deplorable...

Well this sounds awful but since I don't have HBO (no cable just netflix) there is no way for me to hear it for my own ears to see the context and tone. And while at no time do I want my daughter to be considered a "freakshow"....even bad/negative publicity is publicity. Maybe people will think "what is alopecia?" and they will google it....I mean the more we get that word out there the more opportunities we have to bring awareness to the public. Right? Let's think about what positive this could bring...I mean we've heard much worse from the likes of South Park...

Alopecia is more evident in media now. Can't say I've seen it presented in any lovely way, though. There was a lovely lady on Star Trek, but was she alien? Arrested Development, one of my very favorite funny shows, had a guy with alopecia who wore bushy fake eyebrows that hung in crazy directions. It's completely realistic to introduce a sophisticated, humorous, comfortable in her or his own skin alopecian to a TV series. I would like to see it incorporated into a really good show.

yes please leave a comment - for HBO - I just did too


It was a cruel statement that the network aired. I also see too many people in this thread calling alopecia a disease, that is a very negative conotation. I look at it as a condition and I would also like to say all alopecians are beautiful. Being unique, unfortunately is something people like to make fun of rather than celebrating. HBO is protected under the First Ammendment, however like all businesses money is very important to them. So one of the only actions you CAN take against them (if you so choose) is to do what I am doing, not purchase their service. If I had HBO I would cancel my subscription.

In closing my short statement I would just like to reinterate that alopecians are beautiful

I doubt anyone who actually likes watching anything on HBO (alopecians included) are going to cancel their subscription unless they were planning to anyway for other reasons such as money, or never watching it. I say if you enjoy watching movies or shows on this network you shouldn't sacrifice your own enjoyment because of one comment on one show. If you want to then that's your business, but please don't let anyone make you feel like you have to or should in order to support the alopecian community. Thanks, I'll get off the soapbox now ; )

There was a line in the tv show Entougrage that said "she was even uglier than that chick with alopecia" -_-

ARE YOU SERIOUS?????? OH HEEEEEEECK NO! Out of pocket! Alopecia is not a freak show! We don't CHOOSE to have it! Drugs are a choice! That was such a careless comment.



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