Hi, would like to know what you do. I have totalis and since last Feb have a sparse white with a little dark regrowth, but no where near covering the head, I used to shave it , but thought what the heck let's see what happens. Do most of you get some form of little regrowth and it is mentally easier to just keep it clean shven , my Dr. says it will never fully come back, as it still sometimes falls out & the patterns change.

What do you do? shave it or just wish it back and silently think , maybe, maybe by miracle. It has been almost 2 yrs now . It fell out quickly, to bald , also I have no eyebrows and eyelashes , do these sometimes grow back at least................Looking for what others went thru to help me get thru this part of this journey????? Cant he eybrows come back and lashes at least.....??? I seem to be having a hard time thru this part of it, if I had to chose I would take eyebrows & lashes back over hair. what do you fell about it?

Ps my picture is a full real hair wig, I have not yet had the inner courage to post bald pics yet. They are from Allen Eaton cost about 400$

Thank you for helping me thru this?

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I have the same on top, but have lashes, brows and all else. I leave it, trim it to 1" at times, and keep on wearing my synthetic wig. Feeling? Numb to it...but I like my current wig. No one to impress but coworkers these days...so what the L?! :)
Hi Denise,
For starters, Your Doctor is wrong! You can regrow all of your hair! Your immune system just needs to stop fighting your body.
For seconds, depending on your current regrowth there are lotions and potions which you can apply to your scalp. I use XFusion and Dermatch. Yes it is a miraculous transformation from patchy to full in 5 minutes time.
For a third helping you can get your eyelashes/brows tattood. The possibilities are endless.
Best wishes for you and your wellness!
Hi Denise, I say never say never, cuz you never really know if it will come back or not. I'm AU and have had a little bit of hair re-growth on my head. Believe me it's nothing to write home about...I refuse to get excited over it but it is there.....so who knows maybe there is a chance that it can grow back.
I have been using Rogain on my eyebrows....found a bottle that I never used and thought what the heck. I have been having some regrowth on the brows so I will keep using it and see what happens. Would love to have eyebrows and eyelashes. I think If I at least had my eyebrows and eyelashes I would feel alot better. :-)
Hi Denise,

When a doctor says something will NEVER happen, DON'T LISTEN TO THEM!!! It's called PRACTICING medicine for a reason! When I was a child, the doctors said a lot of things would NEVER happen, and look at me now! I've had periods of regrowth, and longer periods of no hair growth at all -- and right now, even though I have no hair and no eyebrows, I have long, thick lashes for the first time in years!

In terms of dealing with patches, I have some of those on my head too -- and I just shave mine. I use a Gillette Fusion Power ProGlide razor with the HeadBlade HeadSlick shaving cream. I generally shave in the shower (the hot water and steam helps to get a really smooth shave), and when I put on my makeup I use MAC's Blot Powder in Dark (it's really translucent but has just a hint of bronzing in it) which helps take the shine away -- it's perfect for when you take lots of pictures like I do!)

Don't be ashamed or apologize for not posting bald pictures of yourself -- we all deal with alopecia in our own way, and when you are comfortable and ready to do so I'm sure you will. If it makes you feel any better, I've lived with AA since 1983 (27 years and counting!), yet I myself only took pictures professionally of myself without any kind of head covering or hairpiece for the first time in June 2008! I'm trying to have some more done before the end of the year, just in time for the holidays!! I'll post them as I get them!!

Hope this helps you!!
When i had DCPC treatment ( 4yrs ago) I had this type of regrowth. In retrospect i now don't call it regrowth for a number of reasons.

1 when I had AA (4 times). After 9 to 15 months it started to regrow, vellus, then pigmented and then flourishing like "normal hair"......until full regrowth.

2 When i went AU, I had DCPC treament. Vellus hairs grew and pigmented in quite large areas of my head. It was a few cms long but it was thin, soft and sparse but it was visible! However a rough, spartan coverage is not regrowth to me as it tends to wither after a while. It's more like a few drops of rain in the desert that germinate a few seeds and then it withers.

3 After 5 years i have this thatch upon my head again now. No treatment taken. Again it is Vellus, pigmeneted and sparse but it does not grow much and is soft to touch. It is visible. I sometimes shave it and i have left it to do it's thing. It's regrowth but it's not what i call regrowth. Just bits of tumble weed that catch your eye in the mirror lol
I think regrowth is difficult to deal with because it takes so much patience. It is a wait and see because it may fully regrow. The experts cannot predict this condition. My daughter has thick patchy regrowth all over the back and top of her head and half of her upper right eyelashes. Hopefully it will keep happening. She is at college and every time that I see her there is more.
Hi Denise, As some of the others have said, every variation is possible. In fact, in the 30+ years I've had this, I've had pretty much every variation more than once. I find the transition times the hardest. Sometimes I'm in the bizarre position of plucking an eyebrow or two because the hole(s) look like railroad tracks--too odd for me. I'm grateful my eyelashes mostly grew back a while ago, because they protect my eyes. I prefer the cleanhead look and feel to my current dark patchy scalp hair, so I shave using a headblade & headslick in the shower. It feels smooth, but the dark hair under the skin surface is still visible. And, to be honest, I'm rooting for the scalp hair patches to all fall out so I have a good, low maintenance look.
I have a head full of white peach fuzz which I am going to go upstairs and shave off again..... I don't call it regrowth but just a nuisance. I have had Alopeica for just about three years. Did the shots for a year and then said enough and stopped. Then the rest of my air fell out in a matter of 6 months to later be replaced by white baby fine hair. I just decided with a little help from some wine I drank to shave my head... I am pretty much prepared to keep on shaving it from now on. If it isn't pigmented and thick then it is coming off....LOL... I wear a wig...

As for doctors in my past experience they know nothing. Every person is different as well. I have always been the person that is the exception to the rule... YOu just go to go with the flow. You may just grow back all your hair. I would suggest living your life to the fullest in the meantime assuming you won't grow your hair back... That way you will never be disappointed! LOL

OH yeah by the way...LOL... You will never see a picture of me bald on here so don't worry about the having the inner courage to post bald pics....Some people like to have short hair and some long...some like to show pics bald and some don't. It is just whatever you are comfortable with..... I am a wig gal.....LOL



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