I've been bald for a year now,and I've actually received more compliments than rude comments and uncomfortable stares. How do you handle the attention?

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We all seem to have different levels of comfort. I am not comfortable drawing attention to myself, never have been. For me to go hairless in public would take something in me I haven't found yet.

Going hairless in public is almost like going topless in public.   The only difference is that being bald is an illness.  I do know that the frustration of changing head covers can be so frustrating that you just don't care anymore. So every once in a while, while in my car, I change from a bathing cap to a wig or scarf or vice versa, and hope no one is staring.   

I have had AA for about 2 years now...and even though I have a beautiful wig (Sophie is her name)...I just don't wear her. For me it feels like I'm dressing up, and I'm a little less me when we're both around. I get an awful lot of stares, and sometimes I want to ask people just what it is they're looking at, but mostly I take the advice a colleague gave me once...she said 'when people look at you...you have no idea why they do so. Perhaps they think...wow how gorgeous is she, or how brave is she, or that looks like what Sue has...she must have Alopecia, or that women reminds me of the daughter I lost to cancer, or wow - that's a different look. But irrespective of why, the fact remains that shortly after they've passed by...you are forgotten and they are busy thinking about what's for dinner, or how much work they still have to catch up on, or how they really need those red stilettos'. I have taken this advice to heart, and now, when I get the urge to pull someone up for staring...I stop and think this is but a moment in time, and it will quickly be replaced by another, and another and another...keep pace with the moments...don't hang back in the past. It works for me...mostly. 

Check out the book, Head-on, stories of alopecia. It's by Deeann Graham. My daughter is in the book and it has over 75 people and their different, inspirational stories about dealing with alopecia. It's a wonderful book. The author is looking for more stories for volume 2.

I will do that, Thanks for recommending it.

I had the experience of someone staring me in the face and giving me the evil eye out in public.  

He was walking and I was in my car trying to be inconspicuous.    

I was hoping to take my prosthesis off and change it to a scarf because it was a sweltering hot day.   He had no right to be staring into my car or staring me in the face.    

As far as how I handled it, you can't always reason with people who are carried away with hate.  In this case, it was more important what I know than how I reacted.   I just waited for him to be gone.  

I have been out and bald for years.  Confidence is critical. When people stare, I smile and keep on about my business.  I am happy that I have the head and the confidence to pull it off. 

The rudest thing I endured last week was when 2 men at different stores referred to me as "SIR".  I was annoyed at first, and then said to myself, "Do not let them ruin your day".  In terms of the attention, it comes with the territory.  I am embraced in all aspects of my life and it comes down to what you make of it.  I ran a 5k this past Saturday and of course, I had double takes, glances and people actually told me I rock it well. 

You rock it well. 






You are one amazing woman. You're so proud of yourself even though the through things you are going through. I so wish I could be like you. That advice really does help. Keep up the confidence. 

As we speak, I'm wearing a head scarf that has seen me through this sweltering 90 degree day.  

I notice with head scarves that some of them are really comfortable and some are less comfortable and do not even bring out my features.  They're easy to make on the sewing machine if you have the time and patience.  

Even with a scarf, I notice people ask if I have cancer.   They also sometimes compliment me.   

I feel like I actually get more stares when I wear a scarf. Like they are wondering what's under there! Lol!
This is what I do too. I almost never cover my head. Unless it's really cold. I do have a few cute winter hats.
Enjoy it!



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