I kept asking my poor boyfriend "has it moved?" "Is it still in place?" "Howabout now?" He was very patient with me.

But it went well, and I feel a bit more confident now. Is everyone this nervous the first time out?

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Mhari, Good for you. I think we've all been there. Super double-sided tape works wonders. I used it until I got my FW now I don't worry about it falling off or moving. Now the problem is convincing my friends (that know I have Alopecia) that my hair has not grown back and what I have on my head is actually a wig (FW). LOL!!
Wow Pat that would be wonderful. It must be an amazing wig. I still have a lot of hair around my hairline - I have Female pattern baldness - so I'm not sure tape would work for me. I'm not quite ready to shave it all off yet. I have been able to style the wig with my own hair coming through so that has also helped to keep it in place. Once I lose more on top I'll look into tape.

Thank you so much for everyone's replies. You're such a supportive group of people!

Estella, I really hope you find your confidence again. It is a struggle to recognize, but we are more than our hair. You have a life to lead and people who love you no matter what. It's easy to say "get out there", harder to do it. But you really must. Take small steps, like little trips out until you feel more confident. It doesn't matter if it's a slow process, as long as you get that process started. You have a right to have a happy life, not to be trapped at home. I wish you all the best hon.
I have a friend who has the Peggy Knight solutions "Gripper" and loves it. No tape needed. She can ride a roller coaster in it and it stays put and looks good!
Congratulations! I'm sure that was very scary... It sounds like you have an amazing boyfriend and it's great that he is so supportive and patient!
He is great. Very supportive. I'm really lucky to have him - we're getting married next year, I've snapped him up before anyone else realizes what an amazing guy he is! ;-)

As for the wig, I've had really positive reactions so far. The only "issue" is my fiance's mother who has to keep telling everyone (i.e: From his sister "Wow your hair looks really good darker." "No hon, Mhairi's wearing a wig.") But to be honest, if that's the only issue I have to deal with, well, I guess I don't have much of an issue with that. :-)
I wore a full wig out 1 time and felt so self-conscious I can't bring myself to do it again .. I got a synthetic & I am thinking that's why?? -- I had it professionally cut and thinned but it STILL DOES NOT LOOK LIKE MY HAIR ... not sure what to do .. still have some hair and wear a Yaffa topper now- which is ok I guess .. just very uncomfrotable and a little "poofy" but not as bad as the wig.
DID anyone actually start off wearing synthetic wigs?
HELP ANYBODY !just purchased a long sort of curly(big curls) human hair wig ,i already feel its getting frizzy from trying it on over and over ,trying to get used to it.can anyone give me some advice on how to care for it ,how to store the wig anything would be appreciated......
I was told to make sure you use a shampoo for colored or damanged hair. Also I know I'm only supposed to wash mine once a week. It prob just needs to be washed. As far as storing it, if you plan to wear it often then just put it on a head. If you plan to not wear it for a while put it on the head and put a wal-mart bag over it so it doesn't get all dusty. Hope this little bit helped
THANK YOU, do you know if it can be stored in the box it came in?
Is it a net base cap? If so then I would think the box is fine. If you plan to wear it every day then I would buy a head so it doesn't get flat. Mine is silcone so it has to be on a head or it looses shape.



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