i was diagnosed with alopeica areata.... my hair is growing back in the many spots that i have...but its also falling out at the same time.. im tired of hair everywhere... so i decided just to shave it off... not completely bald but really low... i have wigs for work........and plan on nothing at home....... i really want to do this and i feel like if i don't it will just haunt me in my mind until i just do it!!!!!

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jennifer, it was a really liberating moment... it was hard cause i was always know for my pretty hair... and then to see it on the floor everytime i looked down or to feel clumps when i washed my hair... it brought me down.... so like someone on here said.. i beat it before it beat me.... you really do feel free...i can see all the spots now which is crazy.. but whatever ya know... what can i do.. i have wigs for work only because im in the banking industry and im in front of customers everyday trying to compete for business... i need money so im not gonna let a customer get freaked out and walk away...lol maybe one day i will.. and i wear absolutely nothing at home... i say do it... but only if you want to!
Tiffany you are an inspiration! Just this afternoon I was whining to some co-workers about how uncomfortable my wig is because I get so hot. One of them said "why don't you just shave your head?" I actually have been thinking about it for a while now. So when I got home I got brave and shaved a little test spot around my face and decided to go for it. I went to my daughters house and had her help me (I just needed some support) Before we started I happened to look at the AP web site and saw your post and that gave me the extra push that I needed.

Thank You!
thanks ... feels great huh?... i guess that is why they created this website!
Have you joined the AW Group - Sisterhood of Women Who Shaved Their Heads? You'll find lots of great women there!

Congratulations! You're going to feel so free.

Hi dear girl.. I just joined this site and your posting was the one that caught my attention. I hope you are doing okay now that you've taken the "plunge" and shaved it off. I was in the SAME boat - just this past week and finally went, with a good friend, and had my meager hair supply shaved. I don't think I ever cried that hard and now - am just trying to get on with it.
Hope you are happy and smiling! IT'S ALL GOOD!

Yours, Rebecca
Doesn't it feel great to be in control again?

As my photos show, I don't cover up my head anymore....freedom!!!
Good for you Tiffany, it's a relief isn't it? I don't cover up my bald head at all, I took a weeks vacation to get accustomed to looking at my bald self then had an email go out to all my 60 co-workers that I was returning to work bald and you wouldn't believe the support I got. Lucky for me my hair continued to fall out and I don't have to shave my head anymore!



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