Infections-Candida, Oral infections, any infections. Did you have any chronic infections before starting Xeljanz?

I was wondering if chronic internal infections contributes to long term inflammation in the body thus triggering some sort of attack against the body with auto-immune disease.  I figured since Xeljanz and these biological immune modulators work by suppression, could it be some chronic infection gong on in the body that triggers all sorts of auto-immune disease?

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I think that's probably the case - a combo of genetics and environment. My dad and brother have allergies and asthma like I do and I have an aunt who has Vitiligo. Almost everyone on my dad's side of the family has digestive conditions (which I share also). Would love to hear more about treatment for autoimmune diseases without drugs but since Big Pharma can't make any more there such treatments don't receive much publicity and then our medical professionals don't know about them. It's frustrating.

We live in a very toxic world. our food, air and water are contaminated with a variety of different poisons. This takes a toll on our bodies.

If you have any chronic health issues than you have chronic infections, heavy metal toxicity, and gut imbalance/disbiosis. RX antibiotics destroy your natural beneficial bacteria and greatly impair your health. When you have these issues you develop something called "leaky gut". When you have leaky gut everything you eat makes it's way thru your gut lining and into the blood steam causing a wide range of problems , chronic inflammation being one of them.

I believe alopecia is caused by heavy metal toxicity. If you have alopexia you should look into Lyme disease and co infections (Lyme is an underreported epidemic around the world and standard testing is notoriously inaccurate. IGENEX labs is considered the best for testing ...) yeast/fungal overgrowth and various parasitic infections . The heavy metal toxicity goes hand in hand with these issues. The things I've mentioned are the root causes of 9 out of 10 autoimmune issues and chronic health problems as well as greatly increasing your chances for cancer. Knowledge is power!

I was tested for Lyme about a year and a half ago (negative) up here in Canada and my allergies first started manifesting right after I was born, while I was still in the hospital. When my dad was a child he was in the top 5 percent of allergy sufferers. This was well before the age of extreme peanut allergies and his weren't anywhere near that severe, but they were bad for the times. So I don't think heavy metal toxicity is always the root cause.

These issues go hand in hand. If you have the heavy metal toxicity than you are going to have chronic infections and vice versa. Many infections are sexually transmitted (Lyme being one of them) and any infections or toxins a mother has will surely be passed on to child in womb. Standard Lyme testing is very inaccurate, so much so that in several states in the U.S the doctor has to legally inform you of that just because you test negative it doesn't mean you don't have Lyme. We are exposed to toxic metals in a lot of different ways, Pollution is a major contributing factor as well as vaccines, silver amalgam teeth fillings, food , water, environmental exposure in the home or workplace etc. heavy metal toxicity promotes fungal / yeast issues in the body as well.

Food allergies are the direct result of infections and toxins and gut problems. I've been researching this stuff for years and sadly we are a long way away from proper treatment options...

So you believe heavy metal toxicity is passed down, in this case possibly by my father's side of the family tree? My paternal grandfather, born in 1899, was also an allergy sufferer. Beyond that I don't know but the allergy issues, at least, go back generations. 

I don't thinks it's possible for your father to physically pass toxins to you like your mother could while in her womb. But I know that pathogen and toxin exposure can change and damage a persons DNA. Which could certainly effect you and the way your body works.

If a persons DNA gets damaged, then isnt it possible to pass that defective genetic code down?


Both my parents suffer seasonal allergies, my dad, older brother, younger and me asthma and allergy sufferers, I'm allergic to fish but not shellfish, only one in my family as well as most nuts but not peanuts

I agree I don't think so either.  I think chronic infections come from a myriad of things.  Has anyone ever considered chemtrails as a bio-toxin?  I mean something like that can spread toxins over millions of the population in one fall swoop, and contaminate a large geographical area.  I don't have Lyme, never had pets, live in an urban area, been tested for Lyme several times and always came up negative. tested for Lupus came up negative.  Aside from genetics and hereditary, I'm leaning heavy towards environmental, food, maybe vaccines, chemtrails, etc

If you were perfectly healthy and your lifestyle and diet were good than you wouldn't have much trouble with low level , acute toxin exposures here and there. Chronic toxin exposure is a different story and has an immunocomprising effect, greatly increasing your vulnerability to chronic pathogenic infections ...

That makes sense, Matt.  That's why I mentioned chemtrails, because they've been doing it quite often since the 1970's



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