Infections-Candida, Oral infections, any infections. Did you have any chronic infections before starting Xeljanz?

I was wondering if chronic internal infections contributes to long term inflammation in the body thus triggering some sort of attack against the body with auto-immune disease.  I figured since Xeljanz and these biological immune modulators work by suppression, could it be some chronic infection gong on in the body that triggers all sorts of auto-immune disease?

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i don't think that chemtrails are actually poison being sprayed on us for population control or to keep us sick. Weather manipulation maybe? We are steadily getting poisoned everyday with our food, air, and water. The job is already being accomplished lol
If you are certain you don't have Lyme than your problems are probably gut related. Either way , recovery requires a well rounded approach of diet, exercise , lifestyle changes and positive , goal oriented thinking...

I really don't think I have Lyme either as my allergy issues go back generations in my family tree. I have always been greatly limited in what I can eat because of this, from infancy. Not to mention the various animal allergies, developing an allergy to every antibiotic I've ever used, requiring Pollinex-R shots to make it through the summer without suffering a slew of asthma attacks from ragweed etc.

Allergy to antibiotics ? Maybe this is actually a herx reaction. What happens when you take antibiotics? And Lyme could certainly be passed down thru many generations...

I was told when I was younger that I was allergic to antibiotics, but turns out thats not true. I started using Colloidal Silver for infections decades ago and I would experience Herkimer effects, but I knew that was from die off and I felt better not worse

All over body hives from antibiotics. Not usually the first time I take a certain antibiotic but the second or third. I used to get the same thing every summer as a kid. During the height of ragweed season my parents would have to keep me indoors as my hives were so severe that they were like small continents across my skin. Needless to say with a penicillin allergy I'm also allergic to mold.

I've never read - anywhere - about a relationship between Lyme disease and hereditary allergies. My antibiotic allergies are still in effect, unfortunately. As are my allergies to most things. Sigh.

This is a herx reaction not an allergy. You 100 percent have chronic infection in your body...

Sorry but there's no way I don't believe I have allergies. I have them to so many things, not strictly antibiotics. To suggest otherwise I think is a little dangerous. When I encounter an allergen I have a strong enough reaction to (eg. cats, ragweed, various trees) after awhile it also turns into an asthma attack necessitating immediate intervention.

I believe you probably have allergies too, as do I. 

A Herkimer reaction is a result due to die off of pathogens that build up to fast in the body, which creates a reaction to the dead toxins, not an allergic reaction.  Completely different.  A person with a nut allergy does not experience a herkimer reaction, they experience anaphylactic shock which can result in death.  When a person experiences a herkimer reaction, they can reduce it by reducing the thing that's killing the pathogen too quickly, and it will go away, but it'll still continue to kill the pathogen

Thanks for laying out the differences here. I think it's potentially dangerous for someone to, in a knee-jerk defense of their own pet theories, suggest someone doesn't have life-threatening allergies or asthma..I would hate for some impressionable person to read this thread, be negatively influenced and then not treat their asthma and allergies appropriately. My uncle died of an asthma attack at only 53; asthma is nothing to mess with.  .

Asthma runs in my family and my older brother died at 33 years of age, and was allergic to most things I'm allergic to.  He was asthmatic from birth.  He would have been 58 today had he lived. Btw, I started taking the Calaguala so far its been a week, and my rheumatism/rheumatoid arthritis knee is feeling much better now, at least the swelling down and I can now walk more easily.  Will keep you posted



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