I was wondering if anyone knew if Alopecia was found to be a hereditary trait. My 5 year old daughter was diagnosed with AA in January, and 4 months later I was diagnosed with the same.

My wife recently met a girl who has Alopecia, and she said that her mother and grandmother also have Alopecia.

Has anyone else that has been diagnosed also have a family history of Alopecia in the family. I was wondering how common this was. Thanks in advance for your input.

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Yes, there is a hereditary component that suggests it can run in families.  It really is autoimmune conditions as a whole that can cause the issues in families..  There are 88 autoimmune conditions and alopecia is one of them.  Some others are Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, Crohns disease, celiacs, eczema, asthma, thyroid conditions etc.  


Thanks for the info Rosy. It is just heart breaking to think that this is something that I may have passed on to my daughter, now that she has lost about 99% of her hair.
On a side note...My middle daughter's middle name is Marie and my youngest daughter's middle name is Rose. What a cool name you have ;)

Hi Mike

Please don't blame yourself for your daughter's alopecia.  Hereditary conditions are not controllable.My daughter has also got AU.  To blame anybody would be foolhardy I mean maybe it was great granddad that started this all off...I'd prefer to blame him anyway lol.  Please don't think you have made this happen it is just one of those things.  Also, know that your daughter is very fortunate to have a Dad that is investigating and doing his best to work out what is best for her by educating himself about this condition. Lucky her having you!

If I can ever help in any way feel free to message me.


It's not that I feel blame, I guess I just feel more helpless knowing that this was something hereditary that we have no control over. Its ok, I blame great grandad for everything all the time(not really, lol). this is still all new to me so I'm constantly reading and researching all I can.
Hi Mike , in reply to your post. I cannot exactly remember details but I have read about the hereditary aspect of alopecia. I think that I have read an article by the woman Dr Christiana ...at Colombia University who is doing research into alopecia about this. Then there is the alopecia register at NAAF and they must have info about this.

I have AU since my teens , my son developed AA at same age and my cousins son developed AU also at aged 16. I dont know of anyone in generations before me who had this. It definitely comes from my mothers side. I feel that it is maybe a genetic weakness that develops when there are certain triggers in ones life.

Your story makes me wonder if there is anything in your environment or some kind of pollution that might be triggering it in your family because it does seem strange that it should develop in the way that it does.

Take care and wish you all the best, hoping you will be strong and find a solution.
Thanks for your response. Your story reassures me that heredity factors do play a role. Not sure if environment plays a role but it does make you wonder. I should dig into my family history and find out if anyone else has had these symptoms/diagnosis.
Our doctor said it's and genetic autoimmune thing. Because of my family history I've been blaming myself too. There's a lot of thyroid problems and lupus. Husband says no point in blaming myself or anyone else. We just take one day at time and hope for the best

I try not to blame myself but can't help but feel a little responsible due to genetics. Since I was the one diagnosed with AA and not my wife, it had to have come from my side of the family.

I have AA and I think my son has spots. My husband disagrees. Ill keep you posted.

How old is your son? Best to get him checked out if you think you see something.



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