I have been treating myself without drugs/steroids quite successfully over the past six months (in fact I haven't taken drugs or steroids for almost 2 years so I hope they are all out of my system now). I had AT just over a year ago and was beginning to lose my eyebrows. I knew I had to do something. Today I have all of my eyebrows and a full head of white hair (all different lengths, but not patchy anymore).

I have made a lot of changes in 2010 and I believe that these ongoing adjustments (tweaking) I am doing is making the difference. I am happy to share what is working for me in detail with anyone who is open to healing. There is simply too much information for me to post on a discussion board, but I would be happy to email back and forth if that works for you.


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Diet is one component, but an important one. I think that alopecia is a symptom of something else going on in the body, and for each of us it is different. A good place to start is to get your hormones checked with an integrated health care practitioner - this means a saliva test and blood test (and not just a TSH test) and then start working on the diet. The next step is to address other areas that affect health such as stress.

With alopecia, as with any disease or chronic condition, we have to look closely at what is going on physically, mentally and spiritually with the individual. Unless you were born with alopecia, the place to start is just before the alopecia manifested - what was going on in your life - what were you eating, what were you thinking, who were the people in your life, what was the environment like that you were living in at the time, - this is the place to start to get to the bottom of all illness. For people who had or have alopecia as a child, this is a little more difficult to do, since the adults around them strongly infuence their lives.

The healing part starts when you can identify the areas of you life that were/aren't in balance and go from there. This takes time, honesty and tenacity and some people are not up for it. My father died from cancer and part of the reason he gave up his fight was because he didn't want to have to make the changes that were necessary to his lifestyle - if he couldn't have steak and red wine, what was the point of living, he used to say. My cousin has MS, and only recently confessed to me what an angry person she is, but is a workaholic because its too painful to address the source of that anger.

I can only speak for myself, and I believe that I am slowly peeling back the layers that have accumulated over the years of things that have built up - diet is certainly one component that I am changing, but there is so much more, and I personally want my hair back so I am determined to keep chipping away to get to the source of why alopecia has come into my life. As a person who was on her way to AU, I believe that I am making progress because I have all my body hair back, including my eyebrows and the hair on my head is growing back as well, although it is still first stage hair growth (white) and still needs to thicken. The great thing is I have not had any serious hair loss since 2009 and I am determined to keep it that way.
Although I think emotions play into it, this is why I think toxins have something to do with our problem: I had the same problems with doctors. Maybe, that is why our health care system is rated 37th in the world. I don't believe it is just because of the insurance issues. I believe we don't have good preventative care. Doctors are good for heart surgery and car accidents but for preventing disease, most know very little. However, that may be because a lot of Americans want a quick fix/pill to solve their problems. Unfortunately, there is no such thing. One doctor I think I would trust is Dr. Len Saputo who wrote the book, "A Return to Healing". He talks about what is happening in medicine and how it could change for the better. Apparently, his wife had Leaky Gut and had a very strong allergic reaction after eating something. He admitted knowing nothing about leaky gut and admitted that doctors are not really trained about nutrition. He also talks about the use of pesticides and herbicides and how they have damaged us. In fact he states on page 80, ""Fitzgerald reported that 30 percent of the U.S. populations suffers from some symptoms of multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome-double the rate in 1987. He also stated that there is a clear association between the levels of organochlorine pesticides (commonly used insecticide) in the body and Type 2 diabetes. Also, he states, "The incidence of almost all types of cancer has gone up an average of 85 percent since 1950, no doubt largely the result of increased toxic exposures." Anyway, I won't go on and on, but I think this is a large part of our problem. Other than that, everyone is different regarding allergies. The three top allergins though are: milk, dairy and gluten. So, I quit those and then I found out that eggs also caused me to have problems and lately, I found out chocolate hurts me as well (boo hoo!!!) I hope you have better luck!! I also take an herbal supplement called "Candida Clear" which I think helps. I am pretty sure, that for me it is diet and it is not easy. I eat mostly organically and I am going to try to only eat organic meat twice a week. I wish I could be a vegan or vegetarian, but I seem to get tooooo tired (not enough of the right kind of iron for me). Beth
I just want to add Sodium Laurel Sulfate, an ingredient in non-organic shampoos, irritates my head and I use organic shampoos now. SLF has been found to cause a lot of problems with others as well and can even cause eye damage.

You know, I get reactions to peanuts, cocktail shrimp and once I also did to some soy nuts. Hm. And, to go along with other blog comments that follow this one from Maritza, I had complete hair growth in my college years when I drank wine for the first time in my life. I think we are onto something on this blog set...
Ahhh, come on, TG, admit it - you're just looking for an excuse to drink more wine.... come and have a night out with me sometime. We'll go to a gig, eat curry, drink wine, drink some more wine, and have lotsa fun. It'll probably do your hair no good at all, but you'll be too drunk to care!! ;)
Well, now, there's an offer.... but what's in it for me? I mean, what's California got, besides sun, sand, sea, and other things beginning with "s"?? C'mon, TG, you're not "selling" it to me!! (...much..) ;)
However, it should be noted that curry does have many positive virtues. F'rinstance, if there's enough garlic in it, you don't have to worry about vampires for at least 24 hours. So no worries about getting it in the neck, right? :)
Oh, just in case you were all pondering upon what the 'other things beginning with "s" ' were.... well, I was actually thinking "sky".
You naughty, naughty people, you.... ;)
Hey, hang on, - "scallops" is part of "seafood", so doesn't count. And you can't just reel off a list of place-names... I could counter with "San Quentin", and we know what's there, right?? :) "Sandals" look v. sad on guys, and I'm not coming all that way to go back to "school" or attend a "support group"... as for "sons", well, if they're around, I can think of one "s" that's deffo off the menu.... ;)
I friended you and sent you my personal email address. Good for you for having the courage and committment to take it on!
I would be interested in hearing about your holistic herbal rememdies.
My email address is annmackster@gmail.com
Hey everyone,
I am really convinced, just as some of you are, that getting our guts right is a big step toward our recovery. As mentioned, I am following an alkaline diet and experimenting with food combining. I am taking a seaweed supplement to superboost my nutritional intake as well. I realize, however, that I do need to ensure that leaky gut as a result of a yeast infection is not part of my problem.

So here is my concern - I really enjoy wine and I am going to have to give this up, for at least a few weeks until I get on top of a possible candidiasis problem, seeings how wine contains yeast. Is anyone interested in becoming my 'buddy' or going on a yeast free diet with me for 2-3 weeks? I found a great web site with meal suggestions, which I am sure I can stick to, but I do like a glass of wine from time to time and could use an accountability partner to see me through those days when a glass of wine is a nice finish to the day.
Hi Chris,

I was just trying to think of some kind of wine substitute that would be good for you and wouldn't make the yeasts grow. I know that cranberry juice is really good for you and a company called Dynamic Health makes a sugarless cranberry concentrate that you just add water to. You could add a little stevia extract and pretend. Actually, I've read that sugarless cranberry juice is good for detoxing your liver and kidneys. Anyway, you can look for it at your health food store and I also heard that Trader Joe's has it's own brand of sugarless cranberry juice; I am not sure though. Actually, I wish I could have wine, but I've had some episodes where my blood pressure just dropped really low after a small glass; so, I'm kind of scared to drink it again. It might have something to do with the yeasts though (not sure). I like the cranberry juice; it's pretty good and the right color. Poor some in a wine glass!!!! Hey, I have a question for you. Are you eating organic soy or tempeh or anything? Have you had any reactions to that? Just wondering. I want to go vegan, but I had a reaction to soy, but it wasn't organic soy. The yeast free diet isn't easy, but I'm sure you can do it!!!




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