Is it best to remove all of your hair before it slowly falls out?

I am on my second round of Aloepcia. The first time I had it my hair started falling out in patches and so I shaved my head. When I did that I stoppped seeing hairs on my pillow each morning and in the shower. This time I have shaved my head but I am still having hair come out as I am loosing body hair this time. I have reached a point where I have lots of patches on my body (I was very hairy). As it is the slowly loosing hair that is the real pain I am considering having my body waxed so that I become smooth all over very quckly rather than waiting for it all to fall out over a period of time. I feel that once it is gone I will feel much better.

What is your view on this?

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Ray, I am in the same stage as you but I am female... Why not wax those areas that really are falling out in larger patches. I shaved my head once the areas were too large to cover and when I lost part of my eyebrow, I had both eyebrows tattooed so that they would be positioned properly in the event that I lost all of the hair in both. Actually the hair loss area grew back after the tattooing and stayed that way for years until just recently. So yes, it made me feel better to fend off the daily reminder that I was losing hair by shaving what was left. If you do wax... do it well before a holiday in the sun otherwise you will burn even with sun tan lotion. I looked at a site that offers human hair eyebrows... I say this because, it seems to me (from my perspective) that even if a man has no other hair it is the eyebrows that seem to be important (sorry this does not express what I actually mean but language seems to fail here. Sort of how I view eyelashes for females... sounds rather judgmental but that is not my intent... no eyebrows on men: no eyelashes on females = alopecia). The website is You may already know this site.
Hi Meg,

May thanks for responding to my question. I am glad that you think it is better to remove the hair that is falling out as it will stop teh constant reminder of what is happening. When I shaved my head for the first time it was the most liberating experience imaginable. The second time was good also.

Although I have always been very hairy for all of my life, the thought of loosing all of my body hair is not really a problem as the prospect of being smooth bodied is quite appealing or at the very least it will be a change. On a positive note, applying sun lotion will be so much easier than it has been with so much body hair.

I think you are right about the eybrows. I will really miss them if the go fully. They are very thin now compared to how they were and yes I agree no eyebrows on a man really= alopecia.
I have to agree Ray. The second go round I had, as soon as it started getting back I got rid of it. Best thing I ever did and made me feel oh so much better!
Hi Ray,

I'm new on here so first of all Id like to say Hi.

I have lost my hair 4 times now and am currently AU. I definately feel shaving it off is so much kinder to yourself than going through the agony of watching it fall out daily, the whole hair on the pillow and in the plug hole is my biggest hate when losing my hair. The 3rd time i lost my hair i went into my local barber shop and asked them to shave it off for me, the woman was horrifed and tried to talk me out of it, it was the best thing i could have done i felt almost liberated after it. Once you have shaved it off you can progress to the next level and learn to accept and live with it. It's only my opinion but i would definately opt for the shaver. Fortunately for me as I was only 8yrs when i first went AU I've never had to consider the problem of body hair as i have never had any, to be honest i would be horrified if suddenly i started to grow some. Waxing sounds like a great solution to the problem.
I'd love to have the courage to get rid of the last little "tufts" I've got left on my head! Good luck Ray in whatever decision you make with the rest of your hair loss ... I'd love to be brave like you and consider saying "goodbye" to what you're left with and sympathesize with every time you touch your hair (wherever it is!) MORE FALLS OUT .... drives you crazy ....



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