What do you all think of this: Yesterday I decided to change my profile pic to one of myself bald and when I checked my computer today I had 3 guys who'd private messaged me. Now, I'm not a young woman, it says on my profile I'm married, and I just wonder if this happens to me what is it like for all you younger single women?
Maybe I'm over-reacting BUT it seems strange that for quite a few months I've had a profile pic of myself with hair and no man has messaged me privately.
Now these guys may be fine and I deleted them before I checked out their pages - oh I did check the first guy out and he virtually says the same to everyone - how lovely they look bald etc...now that sort of flattery doesn't wash with me AT ALL because that's all it is...sheer flattery that means zilch!
So please guys, if you are reading this get a grip...I mean really...those of us here are here for support and I know of people here who have been fed a line and been taken for a ride only to be unceremoniously dumped once the novelty has worn off.
I'm lucky. I have a very supportive partner. I'm not starved for compliments. Others haven't got this luxury.
Telling someone they're pretty because they are bald leaves me cold I'm afraid.
Is it just me????

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While I respect that the founders of this site have the right to run this site the way they see fit - I just don't understand why the bald fetish men cannot be removed. Yes all those showing support are welcome, all those trying to understand what this is doing to someone they care about are of course welcome - even those hoping to make a personal connection are welcome - but those that just come here to look at pictures of bald women , to sexualize them , to 'get off' on the pics - well they need to belong to a different site in my opinion. I know the founders cannot police the entire site but I just dont understand when one of these fetish men are reported they are allowed to remain. Personally if a male tries to talk to me and he has no connection to AA or to someone who is having hair loss - I have no interest in talking to them .

Also I think there should be an adult chat and a kid chat - the things discussed in adult chat should not be a concern to a child. Children need positive support - not hearing about real life depressing stories that we share and vent about. I wish at the very least those under 18 had say a star by their name so that when they enter chat we know they are there and can make sure our conversations are also appropriate for them to view.

John I have said this before and I will say it again - I appreciate you input - you willingness to educate yourself to become the best partner you can to your wife. Pat is an awsome women - she may not post much but when she does it is always interesting and sometimes raw - which is very real - it is how many of us feel - either all the time or from time to time.

I agree with you LB...especially the star by a child under 18s name..it makes perfect sense. Young ones are so very vulnerable to flattery and us older ones can be fooled too at times but at least we are adults.

This proves the internet is a scary place. It is ashame because I could not have made it without this site when this happened to my daughter. I think it is best to keep pics off and use a different idenity unless you know who you are speaking with.

Can't agree more karen and these men have the nerve to tell women they have a problem. It aggravates me like you this site has helped me to understand what happens to a woman's self esteem when she loses her hair to have it ruined by perverted men in wrong. Thanks



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