Hello everyone,
I am so glad I found this website, in France, women hair loss is a bit of a taboo and I don't have a lot of people to talk to, except my boyfriend.
Well, I still have some hair, a lot but really thin and they look ugly. I used to have curly thick hair and now and after an alopecia (we still do not know if this AGA or loss related to stress), I don't feel myself anymore, I am obsessed with this.
After running tons of blood tests, after crying everyday I am fed-up, I cannot take it anymore. Besides, my scalp itches as hell. It burns sometimes as I have psoriasis.
Tomorrow I have an appointment again to a wig shop (the ladies there are really nice, they did not want to sell me anything until I did the full medical checks). I have done it now and they have not found anything more.
I still have hair but I cannot watch myself anymore, do you think it is right to shave anyway? I think I will feel free... Besides, if I shave, do you (by experience), think that the psoriasis will calm down?
To finish with, is the scalp itches with the wig? Thanks in advance.
Hi Debs,
Thanks for your reply ;) I don't think there is support group in France but I need to look-up for this on the internet. I am always surprised by how positive people are in US and UK regarding alopecia and in France, it is something we do not talk about. I am also on a French forum but the women are depressed because of alopecia and refuse to shave or wear a wig... I think you are right about the shaving, I am gonna do leave one or two centimeters on my head to still have hear if I want to stay without the wig. I went to the shop today and the lady showed me some Ellen wille wigs, they look nice. I felt weird with the wig on, it was like the wig was too beautiful and I did not recognize myself, but I also felt better. It was a mix feeling and after speaking with my boyfriend, I am ready to do it now. My alopecia is really light, but I have lost confidence, so I think shaving is the solution now. I am also please about finding this site because it is so positive :D Thanks again!
Hey, thanks for the reply :) I live in Paris so yes, there is a lot of people here and there is a lot of women with Alopecia! So it might be a good idea, I am sure there is ton of women suffering in silence with no one to talk to about this...For the wig this is exactly what I feel "this is too beautiful, this is weird, this can't be me!".
I am a bit scared that people will see the wig, but the lady told me they will see something changed and people who know you very well will see but not the other. So that's cool :D Anyway, thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. I cannot moan about my alopecia to my boyfriend all the time, he is a good listener but he needs a break!
I'm in the exactly same situation.. I have an appointment to go and look at wigs in 2 weeks, when i return home to the states. Right now I'm in sweden visiting my family and i feel like non of my friends understands what im going through and thats why i signed up on this website the other day...
I have lost over 50% of my hair and i can still wear it without showing to much, but i dont feel Beautiful anymore. Do you need to shave your head to wear a wig? Maybe keep your hair for a Little while, while you are getting use to wearing a wig and that new part of your Life?
I'm thinking about shaving as well... the worst thing that can happen for us is to loose all our hair. maybe, we should take Control over the situation and just do it? Instead of counting all the hair we are loosing, and se the bals spots getting bigger.... I dont know. I feel lost as well.
Hi Malin, I am not sure you need to shave under the wig but when I tried the wig on, with my hair, it looked like ridiculous, as if my head was a cone head lol. I will explain to you why I want to shave. I am really fed up about seeing those ugly hair of mine and see them on the floor. My loss is normal, per day, the issue is that I lose really thin hair and really thick one, there is definitely a problem, it has going on for 5 years now but nobody takes me seriously, except one rude derm who told me "You have AGA" and laughed. I understand you don't feel beautiful because you do not recognize yourself maybe... Have you been to the dermatologist, do you know the reason for your loss? Do you think you are ready to shave? I am ready but so scared...I think shaving will help us taking control and not worrying about the hair on the floor. I feel really good except for my hair, which I hate ! So I will get rid of them. Have you spoken to your friend in US about it? I think people over there are more open minded regarding this than in Europe. We have this culture where women need to have long hair and that's it. I don't see many women with hair loss losing their hair over here. Even if they look a bit "messy". Give me news :)
Yes my hairloss is definitely Alopecia, and I Went to an american doctor and he just looked at me and gave me the diagnos right away. straight cards. 1,5 year ago, i moved to the States to marry the love of my life and its been a stressful and lonely year missing my family and friends at home, trying to build a new life. Then, when thing finally was turing around.... i got diagnosed with alopecia.
I'm not sure if I'm ready to shave yet.. but I'm definitely getting there.My husband and I have been a part for the summer, though hes a touring musician and I've been home in Sweden with my family. So for me to take the step to shave, I need to reunite with him, and with his love and support, I might be ready. My first step is to go and look at wigs, and that makes me a Little nervous too. Im scared the wigs wont make me feel pretty either and then i dont know what to do.
But i am, as you, so tired of all my hair being freaking every where. A nightly rutin for me and my husband is this: we eat dinner, sit down in front of the tv, he puts his feet on the table... and i pick my hair off his socks. lol. It makes me laugh a Little bit too, beacuase now im so use to it. But it was heartbreaking in the begninning... And finns my hair everywhere on other people, in my fridge, in my in laws house. I hate it, and after these 6 months, im so over it. Yet, im scared abt shaving... idk what to do. Who's your biggest support thrugh all of this? I honetsly dont know what i would do without my husband, he makes me feel beautiful every day, and without a lot of friends in the States, he and his beautiful family is all i have.
How was your experience trying on wigs? Where they uncomfortable? Warm? Did you feel beautiful or silly?
Im so happy i found you here!
Hi :)
I am also happy to talk to you!
First, I really do think that if we have alopecia, it can be madly increased by the stress. It is what happened to me. 2014 has been a really tough year (so I understand it has been the same for you) and losing my hair did not help. I want to get rid of them because I wake up with a panic attack every morning. I don't feel myself anymore... Does your husband notice your hair loss? I think that if you shave, you need to talk to him of course. I hope you are going to be ok in US, it is different than Europe, of course, but I am sure there is nice things to do. With hair loss, we need to keep ourselves busy otherwise, we stress to much about this. My boyfriend is my best support and his mother but if I shave she won't understand. At first, I told my boyfriend I wanted to shave it off and he said I have to do all the medical exams that I could but after doing so, I am so tired of blood tests and ridiculous exams that I don't want to have nothing to do with GP and dermatologist anymore. I prefer accepting my "fate" and shave my head. And I am sure it will help them grow back maybe. I have explained this to my boyfriend and he is totally with me now. I told him I felt gross.
For me, I think I have chronic effluvium due to the stress. Blood tests are ok, I had anemia also, it did not help. I have some supplements to take but for the moment, it does not help that much, except that I am not tired anymore and I have put a few pounds on weight...
For the wigs, it was weird, I did not recognize myself. I felt silly and beautiful at the same time. But keep in mind that this is because you know yourself. I mean you know this wig does not belong to your body but I am sure other people won't notice the wig if you wear one :) It was really comfortable and the lady explained to me that the scalp was breathing underneath the wig. She made me tried one and I looked like Rod Stewart, I felt so ridiculous...
I don't find hair everywhere but I notice thinning. When I brush my hair, I can see really thin hair but I don't find short hair anymore. So the appointment to shave and buy the wig is on the 14th of August, I am so stressed out but I have to make this move, I can't stand seeing myself becoming a little bit balder everyday. I think I am right to do this from the beginning, I will get use to it.
I hope you are going to be ok and find the right way for you, whatever you do. You know, if you do not have any scalp issue, I think you can do something like half a wig (I don't know the word in English, sorry, I think it is a "toupet" but not sure. It will give volume to your hair.
I am in the same boat. women are not supposed to loose hair where i am from. if you are losing hair then everyone assumes cancer. Lol!! I have AGA or may be stress loss. I am also not sure.
I have lost 40 % of my crown hair. Everytime i wash my hair it is like a nightmare. Hair everywhere.
I was also asking myself the same question for past few months. Instead of crying everyday I also think shaving will set me free. However there are not many options where I stay. But I have talked with few women here who shaved their head and are using Freedom wigs and they are really happy.
so, I think I will go ahead with the shaving part after couple of months. ( when i will save enough money to afford two long freedom wigs)
I have used toppik and topper piece also. Its good temporarily but mine takes bit of time to make it workable. otherwise no one has noticed it so far. plus i think i loose more hair when i use those clip in toppers.
Let us know how your appointment went.
Good Luck!!
Hey, thanks for the reply and sorry for the late one, I was enjoying the sun in south of France :D. No one noticed at all? This really good to hear. People may notice with the full wig I have chosen, but whatever, I am ready. The thing is, as soon as I am in the south of France, my head itches less and the hair looks better, I am sure it is stress related... How long did it take to lose 40 % of your hair? The good thing about US is that you have support group, I should create one but I am moving in a month so I don't really have time for the moment. I have used some powder too but sometimes it goes on my cheek and it seems that I have a beard, I don't need to be bald and have a beard too lol, losing is enough. Since I have decided to shave, I am less stressed about my hair but I still don't sleep. The big day is on Wednesday, so I will keep you updated. I have done my calculation and I will pay less with a wig that what I am currently paying for natural shampoos, vitamins, doctors etc. Take care and have a nice week-end!
He he!! i have done the calculation too. it will be cheaper for me to go for a wig too. actually, i use toppik in the parting area of topper so it looks super natural. It took me 3 years to loose 40% of my hair. in the beginning i used hair bands then toppik...now toppik plus topper. But i guess its not enough. my life is so limited. always worrying. sigh**
I would have shaved my head ages ago but to get a vacuum wig i have to travel to another country. still, i am really planning to do that before 2014 ends.
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