Is there anyone else used Xeljanz got his/her hair back and stopped taking Xeljanz??

Is there anyone else used Xeljanz got his/her hair back and stopped taking Xeljanz??

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 I just recently got finished with a study where I was on xeljanz for about 5 months. After completing the study a couple of month after I noticed my hair started to thin and fall back out. I currently still have a bit of hair on my head still with fall out everyday and also my eyebrows with fall out. I had high hopes that the medicine would trigger what ever it is in my body to stop but I guess I was aiming too high 

Thanks, on behalf of the rest of us, for being part of this study.  I know stopping this medication is something we all wonder about being able to do.  I'm sorry it didn't work out.

Sorry to hear that how many month did it take you to start notice that your hair started to thin? I have been on Tofa for around two weeks now 

Has anyone had luck dosing down.  I’m currently on 20mg and would like to reduce to 15

Hi Brock, I was on 16 mg for 1 year. In March 2020 I reduced to 11mg every night and 5 mg every other day in the morning. No shedding. In July 2020 I reduced  morning pills 5mg to 3/week instead of every other day. In September, I found one spot. I think it's due to stress from virtual schooling and not due to reducing the dose . 



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