Hi, Ive been using 5% minox, on my scalp every other day for about 1-2 yrs now, really seems to thicken up the hair I have, plus fill in quicker some of my bald patches. Well all was well until this last few months, I had a big fall out and began using it daily, using the foam and liquid on oppisite days. At first I thought it was the foam, caused some stinging and dryness to scalp, well now I have really flaky dry scalp, and some spots of really thick areas where it feels like a bump, or sore, but doesn't hurt I can almost pick them off...sorry sounds gross I know, just wondering if anyone else experienced this, I really want to be able to keep up with using the Minoxidil because it does help me...any help would be great, my scalp is so irritated too, noticed it really stung last time I colored my hair :(

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I use liquid Rogaine 5% twice daily and I notice there is a build up of the product if I do not shampoo everyday and really scrub my scalp in the shower. In fact recently I had some stitches in my head and had to go almost a week without shampooing - the doctor said I could use the Rogaine as the stitches were not on the top of my head where I apply the product. I could actually see the white residue of the Rogaine on my hair by day 3 and it was not a residue that was easily brushed out. Also I noticed it built up on my scalp that week pretty bad. It could be that the foam has some inert ingredients that are irritating your scalp or even leaving more build up on your scalp. I think I if I were you I might go back to just the liquid and see if it clears. Also I seem to remember reading when I first started Rogaine 2 some years ago to not use it on the you color your hair or it could make your scalp more sensative. Forgive my spelling please I had eye surgery and I am having a hard time seeing.

Hi, thanks for responding, Rose, I did use the foam, and I thought that may have started the irritation off, but not sure it seemed to sting where I put it, and I was using it oppisite days as the liquid so they were not being used together. Lilybell, I think that I may be experiencing what you said a build up, I wash my hair every other day and only use it on my wet scalp after shampooing. I just hope I'm not having a reaction to the PPG as Rose suggested, I'm gonna try not using it for a bit and see if it clears up and then begin again. Funny that I didn't notice it until the last few months, yould think that a build up I'd notice all along. Also when I used a dandruff shampoo it burned, don't know what that may mean???

Thanks Rose, I have backed off of it for a few days now, today I placed it only on the lower areas (I have Ophiasis pattern) this is where I have the greatest loss, and only have the sparse white hairs there, that way I can monitor it better, as I can see the scalp, I waited for it to be dry before putting it on, hoping that I will find a way to clear up scalp, and continue to use it. I still lose quite a bit of hair but fell it coming back a bit more right now. Hope this continues, I have not grown back with normal hair in that area around my ears and back above the neck, so hoping that someday I'll have more than white hairs there.



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