I am very excited to share some good results with you and to encourage anyone with my type of hair loss to try what I tried.

I am 59 years old. About 4 years ago my ex husband pointed out that I had hair loss (leave it to those ex husbands! Especially mine..very critical).

I went to my Doctor and dermatologist and they confirmed that my hair loss was "simply age related" and the dermatologist recommended minoxidil for women. I tried it for a stretch, probably 30 days, hated it and quit. I did nothing. Eventually I stopped coloring my hair (the dark was not helping my cause) but that "hole" in my crown was always there. Awful because the only thing I could do was "comb-over" and that didn't really work either. I used Topix and the problem only got worse over the next 3-4 years. I was quite close to looking into a hair piece--but, of course, I did not want that, even though my hair has never been "pretty" I wanted to avoid a hair piece if I could.

7 weeks ago I read an article about women my age using Rogaine for men (5% foam) and Nizoral shampoo. The article (I am sorry, I did not bookmark it) stated that Rogaine for men is all right for women my age. I ordered 6 cans of it from Amazon (at a great savings). I vowed to used it twice a day until the cans were gone. I have 1/2 can left. It is not as messy as the minoxidil, but it is not particularly FUN either. I still haven't figured out how to get the foam mostly onto my scalp instead of into my hair! But, I have done my best, rubbing it into my scalp, morning and night. I have faithfully used Nizoral shampoo. The "HOLE" is now filling in. These aren't great photos--but I think you can see the difference. I recommend anyone with my type of problem try this.

It did seem to look worse before it looked better (like at the 3-4 week mark). This might be why people quit before it takes hold. I am going to keep going with it. I was very skeptical about this--but now I can see that this is an improvement and I wanted to share it!

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About 10 years ago after the cortisone shots & P.U.V.A weren't helping my AA-My derm doc suggested for me to try the Mens Rogaine ( But i didn't hear it from him kinda thing:) & at that time a stronger dosage of that had just came out. It did work, my hair was growing back fast & the same texture that it used to be & even my eyebrows were growing back- The problem however was, that it starting growing hair on my face( Damn that:)- I stopped it immediately & so did my hair. That was my experience with it. Best results ever though. Can't understand why they can't re-vamp that for the women version- Our reproductive organs usually is the issue-same thing with propecia. I tried to get a doctor to prescribe it to me even though I told him that I didn't want kids & he denied it:)
Hi Leresa, I'm currently using the Rogaine 5% solution, as it does bring my hair back really fast and thick, the first time I used it, about year ago, it worked quickly and I grew back all my hair that I lost in big spots fast, after all the hair is in I quit using it, and have not had a loss again until now, I'm thinking about using it continuously, but not sure if this would be helpful, or harmful in long run, when you say hair grew on face, can you explain better, was it like a beard type growth or on forehead, as in lower hairline? Can you do anything about facial hair growth, as in a hair removal cream? I have noticed some lowering of hairline a bit, and think I may be having some regrowth of eyebrow, which is encouraging they are half gone, quite strange looking. any info would be great...thanks
Hello Christine,
I remember there was the lowering of the hairline but not drastic to where it bothered me(it looked more like excessive baby hairs)- Then from perspiring naturally the Rogaine made it's way down my forehead which is why my eyebrows grew back nicely.It's like the follicles are well & alive they just need a jump start- Regarding the facial growth it wasn't a beard but I had like 5 single course black hairs on my chin & cheeks. I have AU- I have & had thick black & white vellum hair that grows & after using that Rogaine it grew FAST & back to normal- but the side effects over weighed having hair-for me- oh & that I'm still in child bearing age & have a long way to go :)- But it WORKS
Thank you for the quick response, I'm not sure, was the only side effect the 5 hairs that grew on chin and cheek? Did you have others? when you said that the Rogaine made it grow back fast and to normal, do you mean your hair literally grew back? Sorry for so many questions, I'm fairly new to using the Rogaine, and I'm not sure what to expect, this is only the second time I used it, I definitely have the massive white baby hairs all over face and forehead, I noticed that I had tons last time too, but for me these are fine, I have not had any dark coarse hairs grow on my face tho, I have been using it just once per day, instead of twice, did you use it twice? have you been AU long? I've had this about 8 yrs now, but most I lost at one time was about 30%, but I have lost many times, and grown back over these years. Thanks again for your help.
Does your sister have female pattern, or does she have AA? I'm Very curious if this would be useful with AA?
I"m 27 and have the same pattern of hair loss as you. Congratulations on your hair re-growth!
the only reason I am able to do this is because I am 59 (well beyond child bearing age).
What brilliant news, this is awesome. You have such beautiful hair.
This is great, I have AA, particularly Ophiasis pattern, but also lose near crown and at sides, I have used the Clobetasol in the past, but would break out with bumps and sores, last June, I had a episode of losing again, and for the first time I tried the Minox 5%, what I researched recommended the 5%, at first I noticed I was losing much more hair, got a bit scared and stopped, waited a week or two, and just said oh heck, and started back, I got through the part where it gets worse before better, and I can tell you, wow, my hair grew back so fast, I have never had that happen before, I'm usually bald for months after I stop shedding, it doesn't work as well on the bottom hairline, which with my pattern is always the hardest to grow back, but this stuff works.....I know that it isn't a cure, and it can't stop the shedding, but when the hair starts coming in it's wonderful, thank you for sharing your experience with us.
thanks all--I am surprised how it has definitely filled in. I wish I could figure out how to get the foam more into/onto my scalp than in my hair--but it is not too sticky and feels like a hair stiffening product in a way. Almost a plus when one has thin hair. Thanks for the encouragement. Buying it through Amazon is making it around 15 dollars a month. Not cheap--but it would be much more if I bought it at Walgreens.
Be careful with Rogaine and minoxidil. Scientists discovered, by accident and in the laboratory, that hair regrew after developing a drug for controlling blood pressure. Drug companies took that information and developed Rogaine and products with minoxidil. So what were the side effects for me after taking Rogaine? My blood pressure fell - seriously - while driving my car at 65 mph, driving a steep hill, etc. It was really scary - blood pressure fell with no warning, at random and I could have been killed. Talked to my pharmacist and she confirmed that drop in blood pressure is one of the most common side effects from Rogaine. My hair did not regrow at all - waste of money and almost died from passing out while driving my car. Shampoos made with minoxidil also cause a serious drop in blood pressure. My passing out, lightheadedness, fainting, etc. stopped when I dropped Rogaine and products made with minoxidil.

Female baldness is not the same as alopecia areata, totalis or universalis. Age-related baldness is caused by a natural process, the others are caused by an autoimmune system gone haywire. I have alopecia universalis. Cortisone and kenalog are designed to help inflammation but do not cure the disease. There is no known cure for alopecia areata, totalis or universalis. It is an incurable condition, as are more than 200 documented autoimmune diseases (e.g., asthma, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, alopecia areata, etc.).



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