There is going to a phase 2 JAK inhibitor study for both Alopecia and male pattern baldness in Chicago. It is not Xeljanz but a new JAK inhibitor. If anyone is interested send me a message and I will give you the contact person.

I only ask if you do participate, please keep this forum up to date. Exciting news that more JAK inhibitors are in trials.

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I am a male interested in this trial and would like to find out more. I live in Canada so not sure if that will be a barrier. thanks for sharing.

I talked to one of the staff and they said you would have to go in once a month. Another down side if  distant travel is required, the study is double blind so you might be receiving placebo.

Ideal situation for someone living in Chicago area.

Which hospital in Chicago is conducting the study?

I don't know which hospital.

Hello, I live in Chicago and would be very interested in getting more info. I actually just joined Alopecia World Today after reading many of the discussions on Xeljanz. I have had different degrees of alopecia for over 35 years now but currently on the verge of AU again after having my eyebrows and facial hair for the past 20 years. Any info you can share would be greatly appreciated.

Contact Alex at 312-695-3613 and tell her you are interested the clinical study involving JAK inhibitors for Alopecia. You might have to leave a message and it might be a day or two before she gets back to you.The study is tentatively scheduled for March or so this year.

This is a no cost study so really a good opportunity for those in Chicago area. Whomever does the study, please post results on here.

Why dont you ask people here about doctors that are ok with prescribing it and change your doctor?

matran2000, my daughter is 17 years old and has AA and vitiligo, could i test Alex for the trails.  we are in China.  and also do you know the when the clinical trails for vitiligo with Jak  will be coducted or is there any similar forum for vitiligo patient.  Both AA and vitiligo are terrible disease.  Hope the JAK could give us some help.

I really don't think it is feasible to do the trial unless you are near Chicago and can come in once a month. Google clinical trials and see what trials are going on near you.

Vitiligo is also an autoimmune disorder so JAK inhibitors may work on that too. JAK inhibitors are a breakthrough and I think we are seeing the tip of the iceberg on what is to come.

We just have to hang In there.

Hopefully mtran2000 I really hope all the misery that comes with autoimmune will end soon
I know there was success with one of the inhibitors in stopping and reversing vitiligo. I do not know which one, but I do know there was success.
Thanks... I called this morning and left a message. I will keep you posted on weather or not I get into the trial. Thanks again I hope this works out.



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