Has anyone remotely medical (that cuts me out) ever thought of like getting alopecia cured by implants/or something from the person's siblings? Like you know in leukemia, I think they take the bone marrow from a sibling.. the same way with alopecia?
Would it work? Have they considered the possibility? I'm not well aware of all the treatments available.. and why they havent found a solution yet..

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Implants are said to also lose hair because the problem comes from way within your system, not just the hair shaft alone.
Hello Yoshimi,

You are on to something-- the "implants" being stem cells! That is what is in bone marrow- those stem cells produce blood cells (both white and red). In a disease like leukemia the person produces excessive numbers of defective blood cells. Following chemo. which destroys the "diseased marrow" the patient then can have healthy marrow infused/ transplanted into their blood stream. These new cells automatic go to work!

There is currently stem cell research underway for autoimmune disease. I am familiar with one in particular at Johns Hopkins -- using stem cells to treat MS. So far- great results. Mice are being "cured" !!! I also just finished reading Michael J Fox's latest book and the potential that stem cell research offers is simply amazing. It seems logical to me once they can unravel the mystery of one autoimmune disease the closer they become to "figuring out" others!! Just wish they would hurry it up! :)
I have read in a newspaper article about a man that had cancer. He received bone marrow from his brother and his life long alopecia was gone. I agree 100% with Heather on the stem cell thing. I think it's going to be the closest to a cure we are gonna get.
yes there are actually articles on this where man had stem cell translplant done.... he has had hair for over 3 years now... I talked to this about one of my docs and she said to go through a operation like stem cell just to get your hair back just is not worth it unless you are really sick and need it to live.... there are many complications afterwards just like any other transplant and recovery is longer.... but makes sense to me... after seeing my sister in law going through a liver transplant I don't think I would be looking for any transplant anytime soon as much I would like all my hair back....



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