I'm interested in buying a lace front wig but I have a question...
Do I have to use glue in order to wear lace fron wig? I have very sensitive skin and I'm concerned if sing glue( or even a tape) might cause skin irrritations.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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I wear full lace wigs with custom sized caps that stay on pretty well. I use Got 2B Glued spiking glue to hold down the perimeter to gain a very realistic hairline. I have sensitive skin and it doesn't bother me at all, but really holds! I use it as well as "It Stays" body adhesive with all of my wigs, lace, lace-front, or traditional. You can get it at any drug store. I have Mighty Tite and another extra-hold adhesive that I really never use. They are a pain to apply and an even bigger pain to remove (especially from the wig). Got 2B Glued and It Stays are easy to apply and remove, and they wash out with water.

Some of the retail lace wigs come with temple to temple lace that doesn't need adhesive. I find the lace very scratchy and irritating.

thank you for your reply!!!
I'll definitely look into Got 2B Glue.

Have a nice weekend!



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