Appears yes:

FDA-approved naltrexone, in a low dose, can normalize the immune system — helping those with HIV/AIDS, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and central nervous ...

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Noone tried voltaren pills? it work in reumatodic and it's a antiiflammatory ...when i put gel in my hand after 2 weeks i noted a lot of hairs in this pleace.

Hello. Do you speak French? If so I am wondering if you could translate a few sentences for me into French...
Hi pterese,I started my ldn last Thursday at 1.5ml and have had a heavy cold since Friday lol,just wondering if your daughter has experienced anything similar.Thanks.
Hi there. We have had no side effects. Not even the typical vivid dreams. She takes 2.0 now and weighs 47 lbs. All good so far. I wonder if they are related. I have heard of vivid dreams and insomnia the first few weeks but not flu like symptoms. I hope you feel better soon. Let's stay in touch for sure. My Co worker may go on LDN soon. He has AU.
I think it's working!!!! I am attaching photos. I see thousands of soft blonde hairs, almost like a thin film of fuzz! We are in month two of LDN! No side effects! Not toxic!
I see you took the suggestions. Great! By the way, did your co-worker start LDN?
I sent him the photos today. I will chat with him. He is aware of how hard I am working to solve. He said her hairs are coming, no doubt. His derm had no clue about LDN when he inquired. No suprise there. He has AU.

Hi Pterese, thank you so much for sharing. My daughter is 7 and has had AT for almost 4 years and I would like to try what you are using with your daughter. Would you please clarify the full name of the drug for me?

have there been any clinical trials done with LDN and alopecia?

Hello. There is a FB group called CURING AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES WITH LDN. There is a wealth of information and videos than can answer your questions.
Yes I found a lot of pro-ldn info but was looking for something a bit less biased and more clinical. Ie: large sample, strict conditions, double blind



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