My scalp has stopped burning and my nails are a little better. Is that an indication of hair to come?

My scalp and various parts of my body would often start to burn when I lost hair. Now, that's suddenly stopped, and I'm hoping that it is an indicator of maybe some new growth to come. Did anyone else experience this? Also, my nails look a little bit better. Fingers crossed.

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For me, it's always been...right now I have various patches (some big, some small) but all have some amount of hair regrowth, and my nails are stronger than they've ever been.

Yes. burning is terrible and yes it goes along with the hair loss.
However...for me it didn't make any difference.
Hair did not grow!
It has cycles as far as the burning goes.
Even when mine did grow after years of total Alopecia and Steroid injections.
The burning is something that I live with from time to time.
Yet the hair is sparse and so thin on top I just shave.
No point looking Frumpy!
Also....I found that iron the woman's iron for pregnancy and loads of regular consumption of spinach, has brought the waves in my nails back to normal.Yet, I have so many lines now and they look so dry.
Anyway...I stopped hoping long ago!
Thanks for your responses, I guess time will tell. BTW, I do not have cycles of burning, it was a constant for about nine or ten, just stopped. Thank God!!!! Even if this does not bring on new growth, at least it's a relief not to burn anymore. Anyone I told about it just thought I was crazy.
People are not much as they claim.They listen and then draw their own opinion.
Now...."YOU ARE NOT CRAZY" They are for not trusting your "WORD"
They cannot understand, because it's immune and not happening to them, Okay!
Never question yourself in regards to your own dilemma and health issues.
I know for me...although each case may very well be different, that I must have a cold shower after a hot one.
My body temperature is exceedingly high, so the cold water or cold bath reduces the inflammation in the blood for a short while.Or at least it feels that way...on the surface.
They are!
my scalp never burned but it did ache, almost like muscles do after a work out... but even after the ache stopped i didnt regrow any hair :(

im so happy your burning has stopped though! never fun :(
Hi Heather. Alopecia is new to me as of this Christmas. I also experienced my scalp burning until approx. 1 week ago when the shedding of hair had finally stopped. Starting to see some regrowth but not much. Hopefully your hair will start to regrow too. I'm glad that the burning has stopped for you also. What an aweful feeling!!! Best of luck to you- Heather
Hi Heather, my name is also Heather Lyn, only with one "n". Just curious, how long did you have the burning, and how long after the burning stopped did your hair start to grow?
Glad to hear the burning has stopped I know this burning feeling too, and only people who have experienced it understand...-it does hurt.
I hope this means your hair is coming back!!
thank you...i hope so, too.
The burning stopped about a week and a half ago. I had noticed hair in the follicles when the shedding had slowed down dramatically and it is growing but I have to say... a very slow process. I'm bummed because the hair is kind of sporatic in the areas where hair growth is occuring but anything is better than nothing and at least there will be a little more hair eventually to cover the noticable spots. I hope this experience is short lived for us all. :0) -Heather
I had the same problem. Burning scalp syndrome is horrific! I believe it's a manifestation of DHT sensitivity and the body's infalmmatory reaction to that problem.
I use Finasteride (1 - 2.5 mg.) and I recommend this to any woman who has has hair loss issues. They also make topical formulas and my husband uses his (Promox) has been growing back his hair. Dr. Klein makes one but beware of the added progesterone. He said he could formulate one without synthetic progesterone, but with minoxidil and finasteride like the Promox formula. Unlike in men Finasteride can increase libido. I have noticed minimal side effects. If your DHT blood level is high, finasteride will work to block the 5-alpha reductase to allow your hair to grow.
I also take natural micronized progesterone because I am in peri-menopause. Hope this helps!
What did you do to stop the burning?
Firstly, I have Alopecia Areata, so it's not DHT sensitivity. Burning scalp happens with all types of alopecia, unfortunately. But yes, I do think it's an inflammatory response. And thank you for your input. I didn't do anything to stop the burning, it just stopped. I've read that the burning may be an immune response to the hair follicles that are under attack, so when the burning stopped I was just hoping that meant that they weren't under attack anymore. Time will tell :)



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