I have been asked to apply for a great position that has opened. It is very high profile job, basically being in upper management. I'm so worried about having to wear a wig to the interview and if I get the job, having to wear it daily. I can't just wear a scarf or hat to work. I wish I didn't have to do this with a wig. I'm half tempted not to apply just because I wear hair. How stupid am I?

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Wear the wig to the interview. Get the job. After you're employed tell them about your situation and see if they'll let you wear a scarf.

Oh please do go for this wonderful job. Don't let alopecia stop you from reaching for your dreams.

There is a couple of questions I would like to ask you. It sounds like you are possibly not comfortable with your choice of head covering at the moment... That can be difficult.

Would you be more comfortable in a scarf or hat?

I know that choices around how your present yourself are very personal,but if you haven't found something that works well for you, please keep looking.

There are ladies here that prefer not to wear any type of head covering ...why don't you contact them to see what they would do in this situation. Cheryl or Mary would be two great people to discuss this choice with.

My daughter wears wigs - she is 22 years old and is a chemistry teacher at an all boys school. It is her first year of teaching. When she went to her interview she wore one of her favourite wigs. She didn't bother telling them about her alopecia or wig wearing at the interview. But two weeks into her job she decided to wear another wig and begin the conversation about her alopecia. I know this may not be for everyone, but I watched my daughter and saw that she was empowered through this Process. Everybody was incredibly supportive, staff and the over two thousand boys....they love her and really don't give a fig about her wig wearing...she could wear a scarf if she wanted to (she loves her wigs though). I think and hope that once you get your job, they will fully understand what a fab asset you are and will support you with whatever choice you may like to make around how you present yourself.

I hope this helps a little...good luck with your interview.

Thanks for the encouraging story about your daughter. I really love my wig and I feel good in it, but its just going around new people that I get a little apprehensive. It has not been a year yet since this all started. I like the fact that now I do change my wigs out at my present job. You want to know the ironic thing about this position it is at a cancer treatment center. I hope that I can be a source of encouragement and support for women dealing with hair loss from chemotherapy. I know I am sooo blessed to be otherwise, very healthy. I'm not going to back down from this. Alopecia has made me stronger and I know I can do this. Thank you all for your support!!

This is definitely the best advice. 

I also work in a school, and I've switched wigs/scarves/gone natural. What I have found is that no one cares nearly as much as you do :-P 

Also, I like to think I'm educating my students on a condition a lot of people don't know about. 

Everything that Rose Marie said! I too have recently been up for a new position where I'd be working with a totally new team who have no idea about my alopecia. I was apprehensive, and of course my supportive hubby was essentially mad at me pointing out that we strive so hard to be recognised for the work we do and that this new position is that recognition, so don't deny yourself what you've worked hard for!

My solution was also to get a new wig - for me it was like getting a new suit for a new job, gave me great confidence and everyone just thought it was a hair cut?!?

All I'm saying is, even though I struggle with this concept myself, we can't let this define us or deny us opportunities because we are WAY too awesome for that :) gooodluck

Hi Michele! Isn't it interesting that when we have something uncontrollable happen to us we feel as if we have to "explain" it away....In my professional years, I have chosen not to "explain" myself, I simply state the matter of facts...when you put it out there positively, it is easy to receive positivity....when you are negative in explanation, usually negativity will be returned! It is wonderful that you are up for a great new position, so get it together girl and show them what you are made of!! Take care!

No, you need to apply for the "great job", and buy wonderful wigs that you LOVE and wear them everyday.....there is no point in telling the employer about your "condition", and asking to wear a scarf. It won't be accepted very well.

Unfortunately, we are a very visual society, and often "looks" matter more than ability.

I am in exact same boat as you are.. well not the high profile job, but a new job anyway! Luckily, since I am out of state I did a Skype interview and wore my wig. Now, long story, but my hair is growing back pretty quickly. I'm not sure where it will be in a month when I move and start my new job, but for now it's growing back. My plan though, if it's still kind of too short/thin to wear my normal hair, is to wear the wig at first, then as I get to know the staff and my boss I may feel more comfortable sharing and then choose other options; scarves, etc.

Please go to the interview! If this job means a lot to you and you think you'll be happy there you shouldn't let anything get in the way. As a matter a fact, your hair should never get in your way. There is so much more to you than your hair and I'm sure they will look past it. You should know that if hey don't let you wear a scarf and you must wear a wig, it's really not bad - don't be nervous. I've been wearing a wig for the passed 3 years of my life and I must say that if you find yourself the perfect wig you really learn to find comfort in it. I love it since I bought myself a Wigrip which allows me to simply slip on my wig onto the grip and it stays there perfectly all day. Sometimes I even forget that I'm wearing a wig! Good Luck!!

Been having a lot of job interviews the last years. Always went with a scarf (my usual look). Once I get invitation, after talking general stuff (about why you want to do the job, which qualities etc.) when it comes to "private" stuff I always mention my look. "You might have aaked yourself why I am wearing and tell my AA story etc". Most answers: "Good you mentioned it yourself, you seem confident with it. And if you dont feel strange about it, we dont."

Anyway, noone will ever say honestly, later on: "Sorry, we decides for another applieer because we dont like AA". If it is in there mind, okay. Then your self esteem should be higher then the management position where they dont let you be who you are.

Emotional security over big money security.

Thanks for this answer.  I wear hair but everyone knows it and it has not kept me from getting jobs.  But was curious about not wearing hair .  . . . would they assume I was going through chemo? How do you bring it up that you have AA and it does not mean your health will get in the way of doing your job.  You answered that for me, so thank you.

You can wear scarf, whats a big deal?



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