With new drugs developed recently for other autoimmune diseases such as RA and psoriasis (though suppressing the immune system is dangerous in and of itself, I know) shouldn't this move them closer to an effective treatment for alopecia?

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Susan is alive and well. I became friends with her outside of AW. She said that she was spending too much time here so, she had to get off. She has a wealth of knowledge regarding this condition and she was alot of help to me. Hopefully other people will pick up and help.
Please send Susan my regards and smiles!
I will let her know her friends miss her. I could not have done without her that first year. Hopefully we can pick up where she left off.
Interesting article from JCI


"In A.A. Inflammation attacks the progenitor cells but spares the follicle stem cells."
Its interesting the link with Caeliacs disease. I was on a complete gluten free diet for years, ate a lot of bad stuff, and when I cut out the chocolate and fried stuff my hair began to fall out.

I am on Rye and oats now, but not the others, still no chocolate or fried stuff and no hair. I have had fried stuff twice a week in sunflower oil and eatting better and I do have some baby hair regrowth on my face and scalp but no where else in the body.

I did have a selenium and zinc deficiency so that may have been it.

The chocolate defiantely did good things for my hair but its not something I can have now.
Hi Patricia,

I'm eating a lot of cocoa lately hoping that this will increase my insulin sensitivity.

In regards to gluten, I gave up on grains all together and feel much better for it. Two studies persuaded me in removing grains from my diet. One was done in Sweden, and I don't have the link for this one. This study looked at the impact on RA on a diet of vegetable and meat stew for several months, the other one is that gluten free vegan diet study . Both diets had impact on lowering RA flare ups. And since I have a family history of RA I decided drop the grains completely from my diet. So now I've been off of grains for over two years, I don't get as hungry as I used to and lost quit a bit of weight and I feel like I have energy to sustain me throughout the day, I don't take naps like I used to.
Hello, my son also has alopecia from two years, comenzo with areata, then I recover the hair .al a little time I transform in total.
4 months ago we change his diet to a naturist, nothing that has preserving, not artificial. You prop only it can consume integral flour and nothing of lacteal. We do not follow the diet to the letter since it turns out to be to us very difficult, already I recover the mitar of his hair.
Gustaria to contact myself you to see his experience, only I speak my Spanish and treatment of traducion with the page that he translates from the Englishman into the Spanish.
Atte. cintia
hola , mi hijo tambien tiene alopecia desde los dos años , comenzo con areata ,luego recupero el cabello .al poco tiempo se transformo en total .
hace 4 meses cambiamos su dieta a una naturista ,nada que tenga conservantes ,ni artificial. ademas solo puede consumir harina integral y nada de lacteos . no seguimos la dieta al pie de la letra ya que nos resulta muy dificil ,el ya recupero la mitar de su cabello .
me gustaria contactarme con ustedes para ver sus experiencia ,solo hablo español y trato de traducion con la pagina que traduce del ingles al español.
atte. cintia
Hello, my son also has alopecia from two years, comenzo with areata, then I recover the hair .al a little time I transform in total.
4 months ago we change his diet to a naturist, nothing that has preserving, not artificial. You prop only it can consume integral flour and nothing of lacteal. We do not follow the diet to the letter since it turns out to be to us very difficult, already I recover the mitar of his hair.
Gustaria to contact myself you to see his experience, only I speak my Spanish and treatment of traducion with the page that he translates from the Englishman into the Spanish.
Atte. cintia
Don't forget any potential treatments they come up with have to go through years and years of testing and approval from the FDA. Not exactly "just around the corner." Now, if they wanted to take volunteers for new treatment test cases, I'll be first in line....
Now that we know the gene, a cure shouldn't be that far (or at least treatment that isn't just voodoo skepticism or temporary). I predict within the decade we'll all have our hair back.
Seeing as it's a tremendously rich industry, it gives us more hope!
On the Bald Truth, I remember hearing professor Gail K. Naughton from Histogen Inc. discuss their progress of their Regenica (HSC) therapy and I believe were willing to take AA volunteers to test their therapy. I don't know if they ever did use AA people in their study, but their product is scheduled for release in 2015 in the U.S.



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