Being a young bald guy really sucks. 21 with AT is awful. Almost no women are attracted to me, and the ones that are happen to be extremely unattractive and have nothing in common with me.

Call me a narcissist if any of you want, but I hate not being able to date beautiful women. I'm sick of not getting any tinder matches despite using my best photos. I've even bought tinder plus and paid for boosts and STILL nothing. I hate being ugly. It's like I'm invisable to any woman that is considered attractive. Being bald just plain sucks with a capital S. I go to the gym, I have a good style, great hygiene, and and facial hair. It doesn't matter. No hot girl my age is going to go for a bald guy.

Fuck making 50k a year at 21 years old, fuck having my own place, fuck having a nice car none of that shit matters cause I'm ugly as fuck. And if a woman happens to be interested in me, it's always ONLY for a long term relationship so she can use me. I'd rather be a poor schmbag with hair working at a sleazy bar than an established bald guy. Fuck my life. Sorry for all the typos during this vent/rant I typed it on my phone.

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You sound awfully judgmental there- ---insulting my intelligence while ironically accusing me of being mean.

You clearly know nothing about me, so you're not qualified to judge me.

See, I lost my hair at 26. I have severe AA, and I started wearing wigs three years ago. I still teach high school, and my students watched my hair fall out over a few months. I was/am still in the dating scene.

I have lived the self pity. And as far as your lady comment, I have gone out in public without my wig. I went to school one day this year without it. And, I rarely wear make up. Except for my eyeliner, it's tattooed on! I don't even like make up. You clearly do not know me.

Living with this condition has taught me no one cares as much as you and you have to learn to know your value.

Yesterday, at the gas station when they id'ed (my id is me shaved), the clerk asked why I shaved it. I told him i have a hair loss disease, and took my wig off. I could see a little discomfort, so I said, "It's okay because I'm already beautiful, " everyone around me smiled and agreed. The lady behind me said, "God doesn't make mistakes." To be honest, I don't think I'm that pretty, but I know other puddle enjoy confidence. It's a good energy yup put in the world

I never would have said that three years ago with confidence.

I had to grow some balls.

And I hope, the OP does the same one day.
Whether you know it or not, the advice you are giving is not really advice. People definately care. Especially the women that I want to date. What you are basicly saying is accept being ugly. I'm 21 and make 60 thousand a year, have my own apartment, and just bought a new car. I'm not scared to approach women and start a conversation. I'm very confident and stable. My problem is that I'm bald and women hate that shit. I work out. Have decent facial hair, and even spray tan. Your perspective is that some women will still find me attractive. That is apex fallacy you have in your mind because men still accept you for being bald. Women don't accept me. There are very few women interested in me and they only want a long term relation ship because I'm stable.
You really should take words like "ugly" out of your talking dictionary.

It's a really ugly word.
And that would change exactly what? Would I magically start getting tinder matches? Women would start propositioning me for sex? I'd go on a bunch of dates? Nothing would change if I stopped saying the word ugly.

This is the most interesting thing about alopecia. On first glance you would think that women would be the ones who struggle with it. But looking passed the surface you realize that men have a much harder time with it because women are far more superficial and we cant do the wig and make up magic.

I definitely agree with your people avoiding sickness comment. There's nothing worse than looking like a sick person since people think to themselves "what if they're contagious??" and "why bother getting to know them, they probably have too many issues I don't want to get involved in". Even my own relatives avoid me now that I look sick, even though they know that there's nothing wrong with me except that I have no hair anywhere on my body. I don't act any different from when I had hair, but that doesn't matter to them at all. Looks and the appearance of good health are very important to A LOT of people unfortunately.

I get it I am 51 now I have had my hair but had to fight for it getting injections my hole life.well my lost all but 20 hairs I cry everyday I get it and I is to be so pretty I was a dancer for 25 years of my life relying on my looks now I feel ugly too I feel you madness Leannah

Get into realsocialdynamics 

Start watching / reading. I had the same mindset when my alopecia came back at 22/23. I said oh i'm fucked. My mindset became reality because I was imposing that reality to the girls I liked at the time. You get what you think you attract what you put out there. 

I haven't mastered this whole thing to be honest with you, there is still times when I go back and think the same way you are. But then you put yourself back out there take every hit that's coming with confidence and the concepts that you learn from rsd work. You'll go wow what the fuck was I thinking for so long. 

Since changing my perspective I've had better relationships then I ever had. I also dated an 18 year old who was prob the best looking girl I have ever dated, someone I would have never gone for even when I had hair. It's just confidence man, and putting your frame of why you deserve them ahead of " i don't have hair i can't do this i'm disadvantaged." Girls will like you even more they love the guy who doesn't give a fuck and doesn't let something bother them. 

Yes Chris is correct... confidence comes a long way.. Andrey I know it's tough but hang in there....a total overhaul of attitude adjustment is needed.. straight truth though.. two or three years ago we did talk and I keep preaching be can be worse. Try losing a leg to friend did.. you think they are gonna have a tough time dating?!
Bullshit. RSD is a scam like practically all PUa movements. They pay unknown models to be in their videos and to make it look like they are picking up girls. Just mystery and Neil Strauss all are scams. The girl thought you were attractive and that PUA bs just helped you grow some balls and go talk to her. I don't have a problem with that. My problem is women reject me cause I'm unattractive.

The way you are acting/talking right here makes me think it has absolutely nothing to do with your lack of hair, . Maybe lack of personality, maturity? 

Look, man, the problem is not because you're bald. I have an almost bald friend, who lost his hair in his fight with cancer. Now he's in a good fit and highly self-confident. Changes girls every week.

So just calm down, relax, maybe watch movies online and tomorrow go to the gym. It'll give you confidence and health.  

Did your friend's hair grow back after treatment?  If so, there is no comparison to alopecia which is sometimes very long-term and sometimes permanent.  So, you are comparing apples to oranges.



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