LDN is working for my seven year old daughter.  We are starting out 14th week and thousands of blonde hairs are present.  The ones in the back are starting to thicken.  They look less like faint blonde arm hairs now, and more like head hair, stronger but still very blonde.  I have no doubt LDN saved her eyelashes and eyebrows as the shedding was going very fast until we started LDN.

Consider this drug to help balance the immune system and help it heal.  It is safe and non toxic.  You will need a compounding pharmacy and an intergrative dr. who will prescribe it.  Most doctors don't even know about it.  YOU will have to educate your dr.  

It is  a slow process.  I predict it will be one year before she has full, dark coverage.  But each week I notice progress and healing.  She has no side effects at all.  Nothing. She takes liquid form at night.  I am blessed to have found this drug after hundredes of hours of research and hopelessness.  It is working and my panic has subsided.  

I also give her tumeric capsules each morning along with white peony.  Both help naturally balance inflammation.  We do no dairy and nearly gluten free.  We try with the gluten!  Gluten is difficult to eliminate entirely when you are seven.  I give her Omega fish oil as well.  

I have a group called LDN users on this site.  Another memeber of this Alopecia World emailed me today that LDN is now working for him.  The same blonde hairs!  I am over the moon.  :-)  

There is a TON of information online about LDN and a also a new book on Amazon.  Youtube has lots of good videos.  You can learn exactly how the drug uses your OWN ENDORPHONS to heal the body.

I hope others will benefit.  

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What LDN is doing for my daughter at 14 weeks of use!

Wow that's amazing ! The growth is looking great ! Thanks for the information
Thanks so much for your input. Yes, we peeked into your medicine cabinet. Thanks for that!

My hair is still shedding badly. I know that it is a possible side effect from ldn (in the beginning), but I wonder if my dosage is ok. I weigh approx 98 lbs, so theoreatically I should be on 3 mg (0.3 x weight in lbs). On the other hand, I've heard that for AA you shoul be on the max dose for adults 4.5mg. Could this be an issue that is causing the opposite effect? Maybe my endorphines are blocked for too long? My hayfever on the other hand is gone, so that is a good sign though.

Have you tested for candida? If you have candida, LDN will not stop shedding. I would lower dose to 3mg as well for a few weeks. Go down .5 each week. GOT ENDORPHINS on FB is a wonderful LDN forum where users can offer lots of wisdom as well. You could post this question. My daughter weighs 47 lbs and does 2.0 mg.

Yes.  It is an important blood test.  If you have candida, LDN will not work.  It is a yeast that comes with leaky gut syndrome.  

What exactly is Ldn,can you get it from the internet or does a doctor have to write a script for it.how exactly did you get it.thats grate you found something that works...

Spring, there's lot of info here already. Just use the search engine for ldn or low dose naltrexone and you'll find all of your answers.

It is a safe drug that treats autoimmunity.  Join our user group on this site, called LDN users.  You can also research online.  There is a ton of info.  You will need a dr. progressive enough to prescribe.  Intergrative drs do it among others. 

I have made a FB group called LDN and ALOPECIA with lots of details about this drug, LDN.

Alopecia is such a cruel disease that many people become so desperate they fall victim to quack medicine. Gluten free vitamins minerals bat poo on your bald head and now this. Candida does not cause cancer or alopecia. No magical cleanse will grow your hair back. Naturopathy is a sham that preys on people with diseases such as this.

Your daughter will have minimal regrowth mostly with no terminal hairs. Ldn is not a new treatment. It has been around for years. No it does not work.
Hello Jake. I could not disagree more. We see progress each week. Candida indeed is a trigger to alopecia. Of course there are hundreds more triggers. LDN will not work until any candida is cleared. LDN has also stopped her shedding. Thank you.



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