PCP, Dermatologist, GYN, Endocrinologist, Immunologist....Where do you start?

Who knows best? I'm having a hard time accepting that this is it! If I had a logical answer it would be so much easier to accept, I think. My PCP did a bunch of blood work..all ok. My Dermatologist told me to come back in a month and "we'll see"...my GYN told me (1 year ago, before alopecia) that my testosterone level is below normal, and we laughed a little. .?could that be it?? I'm waiting to see another Dermatologist for a 2nd opinion. My friends and family are in panic and want me to see "Anyone"! Is there a chain of doctors that I need to see and tests that I need to make sure are done?
Am I missing something?

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When I first discovered a bald patch on my head, I went to my PCP. She thought it was ringworm and prescribed me an anti-fungal treatment. Oops. I've also had low thyroid since 2002 and the blood-work I've had done has always been minimal. When my synthroid dosage kept increasing I knew there was a problem.

Switching to a naturopath has been a step in the right direction for me. I've been seeing a dermatologist for the kenalog injections and squaric acid....but it's my naturopath that figured out that I have Hashimoto's and also a gluten and dairy intolerance. I was also anemic. She's revived me with the correct supplements and I'm now back down to 75mg of synthroid from 100mg. We did bloodowork recently and everything has greatly improved. I'm happy. I do not have any new bald patches and that's what we're waiting to see will happen by staying away from gluten.

The tough part for me to swallow though is that I have to pay more to see my naturopath since her services are not all accepted by my health plan.....and all the supplements as well. *sigh* But, being happy and feeling better is the best result of all.
I would start with a dermatologist who is EXPERIENCED in treating alopecia and who knows what the heck it is...in detail.
I did find a dermatologist that deals with hair loss. I started injections every 3 weeks and some cream and solution to put on my hair. Feeling a little wiffle growing in, but nothing drastic yet.

Naturopath wouldn't work for me. I can't follow diets! My diet is as unpredictable as alopecia.
I have had alopecia for about 10 years, i have tried so many options and done alot of blood tests. I have not tried steroids because once you stop taking them the problem will return or so I have been told. I have recently been seeing a chinese doctor and getting acupuncture twice a week. He has asked me to tap my head all over twice a day for 10 minutes with a brush to really invigorate the scalp. One month on my many patches are pretty much all covered in new white hair. Of all the different methods i have tried this has had the best results so far and it's also very relaxing so I feel great. I have also seen a therapist to help me better deal with the condition which has given me a much more positive and clearer outlook. It is hard to know who to try but i really believe stimulation of the scalp is a good place to start. Good luck



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