Please reply if you have used sunblock prior to FFA diagnosis. Having an aha moment!


1) I believe that we with FFA have some sort of genetic tendency that is within the autoimmune spectrum.(I was diagnosed 1/2016. I am 50 and when I was 18 started with Raynaud's disease, another autoimmune issue. As well, my autoimmune labs are positive as noted when checked once Raynaud's was realized.)

2) I have strong reason to believe that I am reacting to SPF on other parts of my body (CHEMICAL, not zinc or titanium-based, which I have just learned is truly the only safe type.)

3) Further, this has made me think that my extremely regular use of a product with chemical SPF on my face every single day for over a decade, along with my genetic tendency, has caused my FFA. 

If you would, could you let me know if you have used a non-zinc or titanium SPF product on your face for a period of time at least before diagnosis? Apparently there has been talk of this being a cause of FFA but then it was "poo-poo'd", but I think there is something to it!!!! 



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Looks like those products don't score all that well on the "Healthy Living" EWG app. Not great for sun protection and contain parabens and oxybenzone, a hormone disrupting chemical. It says oxybenzone is associated with photoallergic reactions and absorbs through the skin in significant amounts.
Aveeno tinted creams seem to score even worse than the moisturizer.
There are some good alternatives out there. You might try something else at your local food co-op or Whole Foods. Look for a score of 1.
Aveeno SPF 15 scores a 5. Looks like that product has octinoxate, not as bad as oxybenzone but still a 6 for endocrine disruption, immunotoxicity, reproductive toxicity and bioaccumulation, etc.
Thanks for your research results! Interesting and sorely disappointing. I can't wait to look at my previous products' ingredients on my next day off. This is CRAZY!! Disgusting all the terrible effects!!

Thanks for info, Mel. I'm going to do some looking and see what alternative there are.

I had used Oil of Olay moisturizer on my face with spf 15 everyday for more years than I can remember. I stopped that very shortly after being diagnosed 2/16. I use Badger products now too. I try to avoid chemicals of all sorts in my life now, ie soaps, cleaning products, lotions, TP, paper towels, weed/bug killers and of course foods. I definitely think there is a connection between spf and ffa! But also stress and all the chemicals and bad foods that can cause systemic inflammation in the body.

Good Lord!  What in the heck are we supposed to use on our faces!  I live in the corporate world and can't show up at meetings with a bare face.  I need foundation, powder, bronzer, etc....I'm sure all of it contains chemicals I shouldn't be using.  I have always used fragrance free products, but they have also always contained spf.  

I was in Holland and Barratt today - Health Food shop in the UK - they have quite a lot of different shampoos, beauty products etc. I didn't have time to investigate what the ingredients of the products were, but, I will look into it in the next few days.

We also have The Body Shop here in the U.K. that sells 'natural' products.

There are makeup type products now that are free of petroleum based chemical fragrances and parabens and other hormone disrupters. I find that Avalon (I think that's the brand??), while natural, gives me a face rash. Go for products with fewer ingredients. Check out brands like Juice Beauty. I like the BB cream with spf but I'm sure there are (possibly) safer foundations and bronzers, etc.
I have not checked out the ingredients for my finishing powder. :(
The EWG website may list safe foundations.
Third time of trying to post this:

I asked Dr Christos about any links he might have come across with SPF creams and FFA. He forwarded this link about research into this topic:


Airam-FFA, thanks for posting this. Even though I have also wondered if there is a connection between FFA and sunscreen, especially considering I recently learned about the association between Vitamin D deficiency and autoimmune disorders (we need sun to stimulate the production of Vitamin D), I realize we have to be careful not to make conclusions based on anecdotal evidence.

If there are organic alternatives out there, it probably doesn't hurt to check them at, though.

My face lotion I put on is SPF 15 (Bliss Daily Moisturizer) and my foundation is Almay and it has SPF 20 in it. I've been using both of years. I don't put sunscreen on when I go out and about- only if it's an activity like biking or at the beach-which is rare these days.

After reading this, I am just going to use CeraVe which my dermatologist recommended for my itchy skin.

All the best to everyone.


Hmmm. I'm curious if they have any "bad" ingredients. The Almay SPF seems OK, though the product has phenoxethynol (found in a LOT of things, but rates poorly).
Can't find the Bliss product but "Blissworld" products range from OK (score of 2) to bad.
Coconut oil is a good moisturizer... or jojoba
I used "normal" suncream for years, but havn't in a while now, and try and avoid anything with parabens etc....
The products from GreenPeople seem really good and they do suncream and makeup too!



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