Having alopecia for over a year, this 52 year old single gal has come to accept that what I have, is nothing compared to what others have been handed in life. Yes, it's very hard to put that in perspective at times, I know, but don't let that stop you from what you enjoy in life. Seize the day, live your life, it's just hair. Who cares what others think, as they are going think whatever they want. I now don't care if people see me bald. I jazz up my face with beautiful make-up and really cool, fun head gear as that is more comfortable, and more me, then an itchy, uncomfortable wig. Friends and family love me the way I am and are in awe of the strength I have going through this. I just call it surviving, but now am positive and hopeful that all will work out for the best. Alopecia can't bring me any further down, as I was already down long before it struck.

Stay strong, smile, laugh, as that says more then having hair ever could. You feel it, you own it, you can do it. And who knows, your hair may come back, and that would be the cherry on top.....

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Thanks!  I have alopecia for about 3 years now- different bald spots.  I am still learning how to handle it and getting a bit better at it.  It is  wonderful to hear such a positive voice!

Helen of Troy (love this moniker by the way), am totally with you.  I'm 66 and I LIKE having alopecia!  Of course that is partially because I have wigs that are NOT itchy, but it's mostly because my "hair" is nicer than what I could grow at my age!  No grey, the color I want and no thinning! I talk about having alopecia - even with strangers and everyone is interested and accepting.  It all comes from what is inside of you.  If you are positive, then others are too! My aging friends are jealous and are constantly threatening to shave their heads!  It is what it is and you are right, just go on, have a great time in the short time we are allotted and Carpe Diem!!

Can I ask what wigs you wear that are not itchy? I am struggling to find comfortable ones. Thank you!!!

Wow great ! It took me almost 50 yrs to finally be free. It's pure freedom now !

I am at almost 54 yrs. and  I am going to be 61 in april.   the best part is taking  your wig off in the summer when its hot . wigs nowadays are so nice,  better than when I first started wearing them.

It's no fun having this...but I have gotten a great hair prosthesis and it has given me back my self esteem. I can't wait for the day when I am bold enough to not have to wear this tho....seize the day indeed!!!

Aged 54 with AU for 10 years.

People liked me when I had hair and people like me now. I must have been doing something right, with or without hair.

That gave me comfort as I transitioned to accepting AU.

People still like/love me.

Don't put chains on yourself....

Thanks for posting this....am struggling a bit tonight, it definitely helped :) 

Thank you for sharing.This is one of the most positive post I have read in a long long time.
I so understand what you are saying.

In 2010 I went from AA to AT. By 2013 it was AT. I wore beautiful,pricey and itchy hot wigs from 2010 until this past August, while visiting my son on his college Campus.He had been encouraging me to go without the wig for a few years.
I am so much happier.And since I work in fashion retail,I looked forward to representing my community and promoting Alopecia awareness.

I have to say,that I have never received so many compliments.People hugged me and kissed me.I was always open about my alopecia with as many people as I could.
8 out of 10 people have never heard of alopecia,because it is an easily hidden condition.Its time we stopped hiding and start living Boldly Baldly.
I admire your courage & share your attitude. I've been dealing w/AA for approximately 20 yrs. I'm a 51 y.o. African American female- huge Stigma among my generation, "A woman's hair is her Crown & glory."? Over the yrs. I've spent a LOT of money on wigs ( itchy & non-itchy). Nothing against those who choose to wear them, but they're just not me. People have accepted me as I am - I still get stares from young children from time to time (expected) & the occasional insensitive adult but the people who MATTER to me?friends,family,even Employers(I've had 3 over the last 20 yrs) over the years accept me as I am. Different people have told me they think I look more beautiful Bald than in any of my wigs. Most importantly I've accepted myself (Bald) & that's made all of the difference.

Just to pass along some additional thoughts on AU or AT.  I became the model for the Ken doll at age 68 of all things.  Had male pattern baldness from age 14, so you would think not a big deal as it took 54 years to lose it all.  However, the last little bit was what I thought to be the worst.  Then the fingernail loss began as well.  As a sales manager with reps across the country, it was business as usual so we "sucked it up". 

Fortunate to have a caring person who recommended me to a nail shop where we began to repair nails that had gone to the nail bed with an overcoat, (eventually healed to the point that I can care for them myself with a product called "Hard as Nails". 

All of a sudden, began to get comments about how we didn't look our age, "like the new look", etc.  It is easier for a male today, with AU I think.  Shave the rest and be cool. 

But all in all, I don't think the Good Lord gives us anything we can't handle with HIs help.  If ever, after Cancer, Shoulder Replacement, and the bunch of what can be termed irritating diseases of the auto immune and digestive systems, I could pass along one piece of positive advice, it would be, "don't question the source, or why me, just deal with what you have in a positive way, look for solutions, temporary or long term, throw off as much stress as you can, deal with the rest in prayer, and then the big thing is to trust that what you will be given is right for you". 

Don't want to wax with the faux religious Holier than Thou thing, prayer really works in dealing with anything.  It is the trust part  that is key.  Who would have thought that my cancer would change my life for the better for over 40 years or the AU for the past 6.  Certainly not me at that time, but looking back, I wouldn't change a day. 

Every time I find myself in a pity pocket with the zipper almost closed (still happens), have to say, "what is wrong with ME here, break out in to the sunshine dude". 

nail loss ??that is new to me.  or just thinning ??



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