Has anyone here been prescribed and used prednisolone? My dermatologist gave me a prescription for it, saying that she thinks my alopecia areata is pretty bad, and that this should help.

It is related to prednisone in that it is a corticosteroid product. She told me to take 100 ml a month (50 ml in the morn, and 50 ml at night for one day), and if it looks promising, she will continue on for a few months, with one dose a month. It is a 15mg/5ml solution (though I have no idea what that means).

All I really know is that the symptoms are similar to prednisone. I haven't found much information on people using it for alopecia.

Any help would be great!

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Hi babe is the medication helpin in any ways

Having taken this medicine in combination with other anti-rejection drugs and steroids following a liver transplant I suffered from severe anger issues. These only subsided once medication was decreased

I have recently been prescribed with prednisolone as well as when I had bad eczema and one small patch of alopecia about 4 years ago the prednisolone did work and cleared everything up. 

I was only on it for about 4 weeks though and didn't notice any side effects. I think the main thing to take from it is that prednisolone is more of a stop-gap as you can't stay on it for too long but in many cases it can help out. My derm said as my patches were fairly widespread hopefully the prednisolone will slow everything down and then they can look at other possible treatments going forward if there isn't improvement. 

Hi i was wondering how your progress is going now? Have you stopped taking prednisolone and are you on any other medication now?? Do you still have the regrowth from taking the prednisolone or did it all fall out once stopped the medication. :)

Hello, I used prednisone for 10 weeks. My hair started to grow. I stopped prednisone and 3 weeks later everything fell out. 100% within a few days.



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