Well I am ready to ditch this Jon Renau Smart Lace human hair wig. I think it actually has alopecia areata. I have bald spots in the bang area. All that money down the drain. So I am ready to take the chance and order an online human hair wig. I have heard some great reviews from members and am ready to take the leap. I am so confused on the cap construction though. Anyone out there have the full lace cap or the thin skin perimier or the full thin skin cap? Not sure which one is best and most comfortable. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks


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Well, did you hit the button? And??? LOL. Do tell. I am so tired of searching. I just want to get something. And be happy

I did and yes I am very happy. I have gotten so many compliments from people saying they love my hair and even people who know I am going through this have even asked me if my hair grew back. The hair is excellent quality. The only difficulty I had was with the color. My bio hair was colored with golden blonde highlights. The wig came in very light and strawberry blonde. But luckily that was in my favor because it is much easier to darken a Remy wig than lighten. So i had some lowlights added and it is perfect.
The other adjustment is learning the adhesive trick for an all lace wig - it can be dicey at times. I think my next one will have the thin skin perimieter since I have such sensitive skin and everything feels scratchy to me. I am currenty experimenting with different adhesives and tapes to see which ones don't cause an irritation. It is definately trial and error.

I am very happy with the quality and look of the hair from QDBeauty and Emily was extremely helpful.

I like the full lace with stretch across the top, ear-to-ear. That's my preference. I like the polyskin perimeter, but it slips when you perspire. Since I wear my wigs while dancing, that just didn't work out for me. It was great for other times, though.

My experience has been that once you get the right measurements, a custom full-lace unit is the most comfortable and will require very little adhesive (most of the time, I use Got2Be Glued hair glue and It Stays adhesive...both water soluable and durable for daily wear).

Well I pulled the trigger and ordered my first custom piece from QDHair. It will be ready Dec. 2so I will keep everyone posted on what it is like. Thank you for all of the help

I wear thin skin with lace 100% european virgin hair. I think my wig is very natural looking, soft and is the best for my fine hair.I also sometimes wear a small integration piece cause my hair is real thin on sides. Then my stylist cuts and style it. I typically would spend anywhere from $2000-$3000 for 100% european human hair wig. But I purhase my wigs at www.luxurylaceforless.com and it cost me about $700! I purchase human hair virgin wigs wholesale by purchasing a wigmakers list that hairstylist use. They have all types of human hair and textures available. Prices are factory direct! Hope this helps!

Please be very careful, all wigs lose hair, and when you get into custom, many things can go wrong. I have been in the replacement business for a very long time, (and just got thrown off a review site because I was frightened by what I was reading that was written by inexperienced buyers.) With the exception of Follea and possibly Freedom, vendors like myself can order custom for our clients but because the factories are used to making stock pieces, there always seems to be issues with custom. There are language issues because all wigs are made in Asia, and maybe that is part of the problem, but my customs never turn out exactly the same. I can send the same order in two or three times and receive very different pieces. I think your best bet is to personally interview local businesses and try to get a feel for whether they are truly interested in helping, or pushing you into something you are not sure of. In any field where people are vulnerable, there are predators waiting to take your money, and the hair business is one of the worst. Hopefully in time it will get better, but right now the business is geared toward getting customers either on a contract to buy over and over, or just getting their money once, who cares if they come back.
Now, depending on your race, hair loss amount, lifestyle, and budget the recommendations can be quite different. All products have their upsides and downsides. Also, this is a subjective field, what works for one may be awful for another. Again, find someone you can trust, then work with them to find out which options you need.

I have been wearing full lace wigs for around 5 years now but over that last year or so I have found that I am becoming increasingly allergic to the tapes and adhesives. It was in my search for an answer that I stumbled across this site. Following reading many of the comments that appeared in this thread I ordered a now full lace wig with a thin skin perimeter from Cooper Wigs in China, who I have used many times before.
The wig arrived just before Christmas and I took it straight to my hairdresser for styling. I'm so pleased that I had the courage to change my usual order as this wig stays put on my head without any adhesives at all, Although I would have to use a little tape in front of each ear if I wanted to wear the hair back. I live in London so heat is not an issue at present bit I went out to some very warm venues over the holiday. The wig is so comfortable that I honestly forget that I'm wearing it. It's nowhere near as hot as wearing an off the peg wig and I no longer have the itchy eczema like rash around the perimeter when I take it off at night.

Hi Sue T

I am having the EXACT same problem as you with the full lace and honestly am kicking myself for not ordering the thin skin perimeter. I have the itchy eczema rash also from any adhesive I try and I am sure I look just wonderful scratching the heck out of my head. I have not tried Cooper Wigs but I will look into them for my next purchase. I love the hair, but this itch is driving me insane. I am only a month into this wig so I will have to wait until at least late spring before I get a new one. So you are saying you really don't need too much adhesive unless you wear it up? That would be incredible. I really thought by getting this custom lace wig I would be able to forget about it for at least a little during the day, but so far no luck. Do you notice any problems with the thin skin? Shedding more, discoloration etc. Just wondering. Thanks for the input.

On very close inspection,the thin skin isn't quite as invisible as Swiss lace as its slightly thicker, it's still pretty convincing though. However as you can see from my avatar, I wear a fringe most of the time anyway so that really isn't an issue. I was worried about excessive heat and sweating around the perimeter as thin skin doesn't breathe bur that hasn't happened. The advantage of the thin skin is that in being a very soft plastic material it is able to grip the skin and stay in place as well, if not better, than any of the ready to wear wigs that you can buy. I don't usually use any tape at all and I even had the wig styled while was wearing it without adhesive. Nothing that the hairdresser did to it would make it budge. It will lift a little at the hairline though if you pull the hair back, so you would probably need to use some tape at the back if you wanted a high ponytail or just in front of the ear if like me you sometimes wear the hair back off of the face.

I have found Cooper Wigs to be very reliable and the quality of their products is a lot better than some of the other Chinese manufacturers that I have tried. The only caution with using them is that if like me you mix colours and have highlights, you can never be 100% certain of how its going to turn out. Having said that, although my wigs haven't always been exactly what I imagined they would be, they have always been pretty close and never unwearable.

The wig in my avatar is T colour (slightly darker root) 14 inch European hair.
with additional highlights across the top of the cap. The cap itself is Swiss lace with a little elasticated lace at the crown and a thin skin perimeter. The total cost was £235 including delivery.

Sue, how long does the Swiss lace last for you? Also, can you tell me your level of hair loss? Your picture looks good.

I usually get anything between 6 months and a year out of my wigs. The main problem is that they shed along the hairline from repeatedly pulling off the tape,even though I am very careful and always use lace release. The hair itself though seems stay in fairly good condition even after this period of time (I do however spend quite a bit of time deep conditioning the hair after every wash and using leave in conditioners in between to try to prevent it from becoming dry and frizzy). I could send the wigs off to have new hair put in, but when adding in the courier costs etc. it becomes quite expensive. I simply prefer to buy a new one. The older wigs then get relegated to wearing around the house where they don't have to be quite so pristine. I'm hoping that the skin perimeter will also extend the life of my present unit.
As for my own hair loss, the little that I have left is mainly around the sides and is so thin that it really isn't worth bothering with. I therefore keep it clipped very very short (almost shaved) as it makes wearing a full wig that much more comfortable

Thanks, you know you could use knot sealer on the front to help prevent it from shedding. Using it all over the lace makes it scratchy, but it will help the PU stay soft.



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