I am in the UK so Regaine may be called something else in other  countries - anyway I self diagnosed FFA a few months back after my GP diagonesed Alopecia Areata - and recommended Regaine - when I went to a Dermotologist as few weeks back he confirmed FFA and said Regaine was the worst thing to use with FFA as it makes the hair fall out at first then the FFA may stop it growing back ! - I am so confused .. He gave me steroid jabs and I am on Planquenil and some ointment - so here's hoping - think I caught it quite early- would be interested in anyones elses experience and knowledge of using Regaine with FFA

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Hi  MJ Yes, I agree this disease can be mind boggling! On  sites describing ciciatricial alopecia it often states quote "cicatricial alopecia is seen in men & women all over the world in otherwise healthy individuals". I've had all the blood tests under the sun & they've all come back good/normal. It is often stated that ffa has been seen mostly in post menopausal women ( which I am at age 56 now, 54 when it started.). I was definitely not stressed out when it started, have been happily married (with 2 children, now young adult ) to the man i met at 17, been together for almost 40 years now. For me, if it was caused from extreme stress then it shoud have happened 5 years earlier when within a period of 18 months I lost my Dad, one of my closest friends (from breast cancer & a nephew (22 yrs) from sudden adult death syndrome (SADS). I think that we all have a certain amount of stress in our lives (it's part of life's journey), but i think this disease is probably linked to genetic pre-disposition & probably some sort of unknown hormonal link, who knows. Even the researchers say there is a long way to go as far as fully understanding the etiology &pathogenesis of this bizarre disorder.

To MJ, Oh i meant to mention that one annoying problem I have suffered from on & off over past few years is very dry eyes (they get sore, sometimes quite red). I had this for a whole year bet Sept 2011 & 2012 while i was losing my eyebrows. Went to an opthamologist over that time for several visits trying to get rid of the problem, he said i had blepheritis. And just over the past few weeks i am having trouble with dry sore eyes again; have noticed mention of quite a few other ladies with same thing.jules australia



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