
I've had alopecia universalis for ten years, (since I was 17). I recently read about gluten intolerance being linked to alopecia. A week ago I started eating gluten free. Today I noticed very tiny hairs growing on my nose and the top of my head. Early days at the moment. I still think it might be my imagination! I will keep you posted on the progress, if any x

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Hi Emily,
I sure hope that you are seeing progress! There are so many people showing up as having Celiacs and so many products out there stating Gluten free, so you know how wide spread this is becoming. I was wondering did you have any syptoms (other than hairloss) that lead you to wonder about Gluten being a problem, or a diagnosis of Celiacs? Good luck I hope you have found something that will help you become healthier.

Hi Emily, that is wonderful news! I developed AU in 2011, lost all my hair within two months. The dermatologist told me that I should make peace with it because there is little if any chance that I will regrow my hair.

I went to see a homeopath, who told me to change my diet to gluten free. It took about five months before I started seeing fine hair. Today, I have a thick full head of hair and the rest is back as well. I reeeeaaalllyy miss my breads etc, but like they say, nothing tastes as good as a full head of hair feels.

Good luck!

Hello Emily,

I was so happy to see this post. This very week I went to a homeopathic Doctor as well. he also advised me to immediately switch to a Wheat Free and Dairy Free diet. Needless to say, I am doing it (day 3). After I came back from this Doctor, I did some research and think there is enough behind it to support making the effort. Wishing you all the best

I was diagnosed with lichen Planopilaris folliculitis of the scalp--scarring alopecia type. Does anybody have this and what are you doing about it?

I also have lichen planopilaris. About a year ago I noticed that I was losing hair. In April I started going to the dr. She wants me to use rogain in the a.m. and the clobetasol foam in the p.m. I also take plaquenil twice a day. Once a month I go into the office and injections in my head. My hair is still getting more bald patches and I may go off of the shots because of the side effects but my hair might get worse faster.

Is the rogaine-- men's foam 5%? That is what my dermatologist wants me to use. I used to use clobetasol however my insurance will not cover it so I now use fluocinonide topical solution, at night. I also get the injections, every three months but don't seem to have any side effects from that. What are your side effects? I have gotten dizzy when I first started the rogaine but that seems better now. I was also prescribed finesteride even though this is usually prescribed only for men. I am at the point of looking around for a wiglet or topper. I don't want a wig but a piece that will incorporate into my own hair.
Sometimes lichen arrests itself but this time it seems to continue and I have lost a lot on top. I use courve masking lotion and that cover the skin and less noticible that I have lost so much on top. Keep in touch and let me know how you are doing. I am thinking about changing my diet and eating more healthy. I do take vitamins--biotin, etc.

I don't have any side effects that I feel right now.  I have read that the injections may lead to osteoporosis.  Three years ago I had a bone density test which was not too good.  On Nov. 1st I will see that dr. again. I am more concerned about my future because I am very active and really need strong bones.

Emily, I would love to hear how you progress with this dietary change.   I have always, for most part, eaten a very careful healthy diet- years and years before I lost my  hair to AU.  I cut out my gluten and dairy completely a while ago. I did lose weight but now, I do, eat minor amounts of dairy and some gluten and I still keep thin and weight steady. My head has tiny hairs on my head and on my neck (which actually strangely grown to 2 inches and need to be plucked, gross!) but no "real" hair growth.  I'm curious if sticking with the gluten-free lifestyle would make a difference. Please do report back. I've been 10 years AU as well so I wish you all the best.

Quick update. My hair is still growing. I have fine hair in my body, arms and face. The 'real' hair, eyebrows, head and eyelashes are very very tiny and don't seem to be growing very quickly but I'm hopeful that they will with perseverance with the gluten free diet. There is definitely a link between gluten and hair loss.

Gluten linked to alopecia.


Awesome! I have AU and have had for about a year now. When I started eating the Paleo diet, I started regrowing hair within the first month. I am still getting random little gray hairs on my face while not eating very Paleo at all, and they aren't going away. I hope your trend continues like mine!


My 10 year old daughter has AT and has lost her eyelashes, eyebrows and hair on her arms, she was diagnosed a year ago and lost all her her hair on her head in 6 weeks.  In March I went to see a holistic doctor, who took her off gluten, sugar plus a few other things for 3 months to repair her leaky gut and reduce her metal tocixity.  She also started taking a lot of supplements. In May she was allowed to re-introduce gluten but no wheat or spelt. In August she was tested using funtional biochemistry and she was found to have a parasite which we have treated with black walnut.  Since September she has been experiencing regrowth on parts of her head, her eyebrows and eyelashes.  We are still sticking to a very restrictive diet, they have now found she is lacking in folic acid and is having a reaction to potatoes so will be off these for 4-6 weeks.  I do believe going anti gluten and anti processed sugar can have its benefits but I think this condition affects different people in different ways and it takes time.  It is a very complicated condition.  We had always eaten healthily and yet my daughter had a very high toxic load and leaky gut!  I am hoping I have found a way to help my daughter's recovery from this condition and appreciate others experiences to give me hope and new ideas of things to try.  Perhaps if we share our experiences we will piece together the clues that mind find a cure.  Good luck and I hope the hair keeps growing. Keep us posted.



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