I'm experiencing unprecedented regrowth, and want to hear about your similar experiences. I have had AU for almost 4 years now, first onset being in my mid-thirties. Possibly there was a link between my stressful job and the hair loss -- I've been away from that situation now for almost a full 3 years. I've been using turmeric (golden paste - supposedly good for anti-inflammation) in the past few months and that's all I've been doing differently than normal. I have tried about everything for varying periods of time over the last few years!

I now have patches of thick, dark hair coming in all over my head, (not connected...yet?) and I'm growing eyelashes and a bit of body hair here and there. I know from reading, not to be too optimistic or get attached, as it comes and goes. But this is something I haven't seen before, and it's all coming in at once. 

What are your experiences with regrowth and AU? 

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Update - 2 months later and still filling in. Still patchy, but I almost have a hairline again. This is progress. :)

That looks great Molly looks like you turned the corner and on you're way to full growth. If I remember correctly you wernt useing Xelljanz just the Tummeric ? Also to touch on the Stress topic if it could Kill a person then it can def make hair fall out.

Thanks! No, I'm not taking any pharmaceutical treatments, just turmeric, and some days I forget to take it at all. I eat pretty healthy, but haven't been strict. I do eat meat and have coffee, but I do try to eat something probiotic daily also. I think not stressing about a cure is probably the best cure there is ;)

When you say probiotics, you mean they´re available in any form of pill, isolated? Or look for them in food instead ?

I eat plain greek yogurt. Sometimes miso. I don't really take pills.

Yes, I think I saw them in yogurts once. I´m avoiding milk derived products for almost one year and will try to keep it that way. Guess I have to find another source of it. Thanks !

There are a ton of foods out there containing live active culture probiotics - most fermented foods do. Search online and I bet you'll find lots of options.

Awesome, Molly! I'm going to try it! While not completely bald, I have huge bald patches. It's getting tricky trying to comb over them. Thanks for the info!

Thanks! Look up the recipe for golden paste with turmeric. It's supposed to make it absorb into your system better. Best of luck!

I did and have all of the ingredients! Now, just need to find the time to try it!

Do you see any regrowth in your eye brows or eye lashes?

Lashes, yes - I have a full rack of bottom lashes and a few coming in on top. You can see the lowers in the photo I posted today. Brows, only a few here and there and mostly white.



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