So my office put up a set of rules in the women's restroom. Most of them are common sense. One of them is "Clean hair out of the sink!" And I'm thinking to myself, okay, I'm the only one with that issue when it falls out, and I don't notice. Normally, I am on it when I do lose a few strands of hair or when my wig sheds the synthetic hair. I feel this was meant towards me without singling me out. And how am I supposed to control it when I have no control over it? What are your thoughts on it?

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Maybe it was and maybe it wasn't.   I'm always cleaning my wife's hair out of the sink.  It drives me nuts.  It's my son who has AU!

Best thing is to not let yourself get triggered.  Human nature is to assume bad intent.  Just clean out the hair if it's yours.  

I think sometimes we with this disorder feel self conscious.  Many women go in the bathroom to brush their hair over the sink and it leaves hair in the drain.  Dont feel singled out and dont take it personal. 



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