I was just recently diagnosed with seronegative RA and I also have AU. I know the drugs for RA can help with the hair loss for AU but I am scared to death of the side effects. My Rheumy tells me the effects I hear about are over blown and I shouldn't be concerned. She also said if you have one autoimmune disorder you are most likely to develop another, well I have 2 now, the RA and the AU. I just don't know how I wanna do this because the side effects vs hair growth, is it worth it? I am still taking the Chan Shang which helps a lot for the RA, haven't seen any results with hair growth. I don't want to feel like I'm giving up but I'm curious if anyone here has been diagnosed with any type of Rheumatoid Arthritis positive or negative and also has AA, AT, or AU and have started meds for the RA. I'd like to hear your take on this