I have been wearing wigs for about 7 years and have yet to find a shampoo and conditioner that works well on my wigs. I used to wear synthetic wigs and i used Revlon or Paula Young wig shampoo for them and it worked ok but the hairs would become very frizzy after about 2 months where you could tell i was wearing a wig. Also they smelled really bad. I have been wearing human hair for about 5 years and have tried multiple products, including those. I have tried directly applying the shampoo and conditioner to the hair and soaking it and they both have similar results.

I work in fast food and i know this takes a toll on my wigs. Recently, i bought a separate wig for work and one for normal wear but I'm still having the same problems. My one i use for work has gotten so bad that i cant wear it anymore because i feel like i have to brush it every ten minutes so it doesnt tangle or poof. I soak them normally twice a week with a shampoo from jennyshairsence.com and then apply rinse out conditioner. It feels great and smooth until it dries and becomes poofy and tangles. Straightening it usually helps a little but not for long. This is the best product i have used so far.

I have tried ion for greasy hair to help with getting the oils from work out of it and it dried it out too much even when i would put a good conditioner on there for about 10 minutes afterwords. Also i have tried Pantene for all hair types and have seen no difference with that.

I end up buying new wigs about every 3-4 months and i do not have the money to buy new ones so often.

Is this only a problem because I work in fast food or is this normal?
Is there any trustworthy sites that i can buy good quality wigs for less?

Thanks for any help! :)

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I'm only a year into my first wig...so I'm no expert for sure. I bought a really good quality one a follea Gripper, and it still looks great, I wash it on the maniquin head and use a sulfate free shampoo, I've used a Moroccan shampoo most recently that I like but have also used Loreal's line of sulfate free, as conditioners I've use Loreal's that you leave on for like three minutes and rinse, I've also used a few leave in conditioners, It's a 10 works great but found that it seemed to weigh my hair down, and felt a bit heavy after a day or two, I've most recently bought a product from DCH beauty supply company online it's called After bath conditioner, it is a leave in, but really works great. After a year my hair is still shiny and smooth. I have never soaked my wig, so I don't know if that makes a differnce or not. I do wash mine every week, and sooner if I feel it needs it. I'm sure others with more expert advice will chime in here and have some tips for you. Did you pay a lot for your wigs? I know that the hair is different depending on where they get it from, I've heard that some of the wigs from China don't last as long. Best of luck to you.

I do have a cheaper wig but i have seen worse than what i have. Can i ask how much your wig cost u? I thought about getting that one but the prices i have seen were a little high and i thought they would only last a couple months like the ones I've tried. Thats great that yours has lasted so long!

Follea prices before the recent price increases were: Gripper Cool 12 inches of hair $3,475.00 Gripper Sport (more silicone) $3,975 .. volume is all the same. if you want more volume, add $300. These were the 2012 prices. See their website for current prices. In contrast. a full custom vacuum piece, made from a laser mold of your head, with your color and curl and volume choice.. 12" length.. European virgin beautiful swings when you move hair. Cost: $4,695 FREEDOM. Will last for years.

Hi Jennie,
I paid a little over 2,000 for my gripper, it is a 6 inch because I wear mine in a Aline bob it works well for me. I was told to expect two years from the gripper before it might need to be refurbished (hair added) I was told the cost of this was minimal, I do find that the Argan oil seems to make my hair look and feel greasy, and too much conditioner seems to make it look heavier, just like my old bio hair. I've started putting the Argan oil on it before I wash it as someone suggested here. I figured it ends up being about 100 dollars a month if it lasts just two years, less the longer it lasts. Mine doesn't poof or tangle. Hope that helps.

Mine wig is around 2 year old and it still looks awesome. i bought from https://shop.wigsbuy.com/

I'm interested in the answers to this question too. I've been wearing synthetic wigs for about 3 years and am 3 months into wearing my first real hair wig. I'm currently using Redkin as that is what was supplied to me by my wig consultant.

I use a Wen-type, non-phosphate, non-lathering shampoo on all of my human hair wigs (least expensive to the most expensive). I also oil all of my human hair every time I style them with heat, as well as any time they seem a little dry. I like Moroccan Argan oil the best (available at any drug store). Whenever a unit seems very dry, I will do a deep conditioning with coconut oil (the same stuff that I cook with).

I don't think there's much you can do about the "poofing" that happens to human hair under humid conditions. If it is any consolation, people who have their own hair deal with the same issues.

Good luck!

The oils dont make it feel too greasy?

No, the hair looks great after a light oiling -- less dry, flyaway...more like normal hair growing from a person's scalp.

So for dry hair that gets matted all you do is use coconut oil? How do you exactly do it and does it work on synthetic wigs as well?


I get confused when people call hair human....as there really are two types of human hair used in wigs. There is the processed human hair and the unprocessed virgin human hair. There really isn't anything in between.

If your hair is processed it will require special washing techniques (mannequin heads etc this also depends on the cap type). It will be more prone to fly away, become dry and not look as realistic as people's real growing hair. I feel it is important to talk to the people that sold you the wig you have to see if they have any recommendations. Christine's wig below is a Follea Gripper (slightly - I don't really get the slightly bit, but that's what is on their site- processed hair). Where as Lori's is processed hair that she fully understands and knows how to deal with. Processed hair wigs should be reasonably priced as they will need to be replaced a little more often.

If your hair is unprocessed virgin human hair. You should be able to use a good quality (salon usage) shampoo and conditioner. Depending on the cap type (the way the hair is attached to the cap) you will get varying results with longevity and durability. Also depending on cap type you will get varying degrees of realism.

In my mind the best hair to work with is unprocessed virgin human hair, but it is expensive. Any wig using this type of hair will be costly, but will have good longevity, realism and durability. It will look like people's growing hair, in most instances - this is dependent on the wigmaker and manufacturer.

Hope this helps and hope your wig is behaving as you would like.


I have had so many CRAPPY human hair wigs...there was nothing you could do to keep them from matting. They only looked good when wet. Even tried the leave in conditioner.. which did help. but not for long enough. The Follea pieces, IMHO, are extremely over priced ($5,000 to start, and it's processed human hair) Once again, Rose Marie did a good job of explaining things...



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