I found this on an Alopecia Q & A in the NYTimes, just wondering if any of you have heard of it or tried it. Thanks, Susan


There is a "cure" for Alopecia Areata if you have had it less than five years. My son has Alopecia and we were lucky enough to "stumble" upon Dr. Richard Strick, a dermatologist affiliated with U.C.L.A. He has been "curing" people with Alopecia (a 90 percent cure rate) for over twenty years. He uses a cream called DNCB, a compound which he makes the patient allergic to. The lymphocytes, or white blood cells then attack the cream on the scalp instead of the hair, allowing the hair to grow back. I am frankly shocked that the work that Dr. Strick does isn't common knowledge to more people in the medical community. Our first dermatologist also recommended steroid shots and Rogaine etc., -- it didn't work. This cream is applied for ten minutes a day and our son who lost every hair on his head and body -- eye lashes, eyebrows -- everything -- now has 85% of it back and by summer he should be without a hat. He is ten and this year going through Alopecia was really traumatic. I think what Dr. Strick is doing should be shared with the world!

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I was wondering if u could tell me how to get ahold of the doc at ucla for my 5 yr old grandaughter who has aa. Thank u genia tidwell
i dont think its a cure otherwise every1 would be using it, but could be a effective treatment? maybe some1 here should try this dncb cream and see what happens
I'm happy that this is working for your son. I researched some information about DNCB. Please see attach website.

no, you misread my post.... I did not post this NYTimes comment, I read it, and am trying to find out if anyone knows anything about it.
Sorry Susan,

Ya we misread. I posted some information about this medication.I hope that will help. Did you read about the blisters? Yuck! This might not be to good. Stay tune.
Never heard of it, but just now googled it. Lots of articles, but I only had time to skim. And, the Lancet appears to want money. :)

Personally, I can't see myself adding such a toxin to my system just for my hair. Not to mention the discomfort and the financial cost. I also can't see myself being on drugs for years on end trying to cure something that isn't life-threatening.

Maaannnn, when I think of the cash I spent getting rid of the itching and burning, I can't imagine using a treatment that just brings it back. :(

This thread also popped up while googling. --> http://www.alopeciaworld.net/forum/topics/dncb-and-sleep-scratching

Edit: I just read that this stuff uses acetone as the carrier.
We are seeing Dr. Strick now. The cream he uses does not cause blisters. It is applied every day with a low dose your body can handle so it does not itch or cause any blisters. He has helped over 5,000 patients and is very knowledgeable of Alopecia Areata. He is even on the Scientific Advisory Counsel of The National Alopecia Areata Foundation and is the Consulting Doctor for the movie Georgia Van Cuylanburg is making about her alopecia...you can check out the trailer on this website. If anyone would like more information, you can PM me.
DCP is a different agent from DNCB. I'm pretty sure it is used once a week, maybe twice, hence the strength of DCP is suppose to make a very itchy and scaly scalp. DNCB is tolerable.
I know this post was a year ago, but here is my feedback. I lost all my hair shortly after giving birth and saw dr Strick about it. Since then I regrew the peach fuzz on my face and have been having hair growth sporadically. Slowly but surely. The blisters only happen if you don't use the dncb correctly. The goal is to only have a very light pink reaction. If you get more than that it is extremely uncomfortable, itchy, blistered, and annoying. After trial and error for me, I finally got the right consistency of reaction and it doesn't bother me. It itches sometimes here and there, but who's scalp doesn't..?

itsmeehtalia, how long ago did you start to you dncb and when did it start to work for you? My daughter has been on it since April and showing growth.

Hi, I've been on it since Sept last year. I'm so glad to hear your daughter is having growth. I too am having growth, it is scarce, and has been showing growth. It takes time, patience, and a good attitude. The consistency is important. Its really hard to see some hairs because there are white hairs too.

Yes, patience is definitely the word. Good Luck to you!



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