so i am turning 30 this month and a good friend of mine (she is like my little sis and just returned from a depolyment from iraq) wants to pay for the cherry blossom tattoo as a b-day gift to me this year! i am excited and thankful that she is so generous to do this for me. i originally wanted to get it on my left rib cage but, now is considering to get it on my head. just recently before she depolyed i told her i have AU and this past monday i took my wig off for her and told her about the disease. she was so supportive and i admire her free spirit so much. she suggested i should get the tattoo on my head because it would be so more meaningful but, ultimately it would be up to me on where i want to get. regardless she will pay for it. i chose the cherry blossom for it chinese and japanese meaning. for the chinese it means female dominance and for the japanese a new begining. i have already researced the design and already know what design to get. if i get it on my head i will feel more empowered and fearless to go w/o a wig and help me embrace the person i am with alopecia. however i fear the pain! it could not be that bad right? heck i have gotten my eyebrows tattoo twice! i have noticed some of the members here have gotten their head tattoo and was wondering if any of you have any suggestions or advice for me? thanks for reading and any feed back would be great! thanks, Holly

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Go for it.......I have been thinking about it for a few years, but Im in my 50's and wonder if it will look tacky, at my age. I have got them on my body, and evebrows. A new beginning, that sounds good, as I have just gone through a divorce also !
Do let us know what you deciede.
Hi Holly,

I think it's a great idea, though for myself, I might experiment with non-permanent tattoos first because I'm like that. Does anyone know anything about non-permanent tattoos?

Have you seen AW member Joyce's YouTube video about her beautiful butterfly head tattoo?

Here's the link:

I like the way Joyce says on the video that she wanted to make a statement that women can be beautiful if they don't have hair.

Good luck,
p.s. I just looked on Wikipedia (the source of all knowledge) and found this nice article about temporary tattoos, in case anyone else is interested:
yeah I have thought about this a lot and would love to saomeday, i have quite a few others, including a full sleeve. anyway i say go for it :) i do not know how it would feel but i know if you want it bad enough it is worth it!
Dermatology offices routinely see patients with "tattoo remorse" and the numbers are climbing every year.

or just google " tattoo remorse" to read more.

thank you all for ya'lls input. thank you mary for sharing the u-tube video of joyce! that was a joy to watch! what a great spirit she has! i will keep ya'll posted! have a great week, Holly
i say go for it! sounds like a great idea...saw some women with it before..i think it looks hot! if you have wear your wig again! ;-)
Oh Mary said it good, I'd experiment with non permanent tattoos, I once for Halloween, very expensive got a glow in the dark tattoo on my head lasts about 6months sometimes longer. Its a real tattoo, ink and needle the works, but fades to nothing over time. Tattoos on the head hurt, Ouch! but I suppose they hurt relatively the same. If they poke you to hard well we all know how scalp loves to bleed so its messy; However, generally in today's age with tattoos it would be fine.
Hi Holly,
As you are well aware, I have my head covered with tattoos. I have never, ever, regretted my decision. I got my very first tattoo on my head at 40 years old and people honestly thought I was crazy. Since then, I went back 21 more times so either I am very crazy (which I'm not....well, maybe a little!!) or the pain is bearable. Of course it hurts, all tattoos hurt, but it didn't hurt any more than any other place on my body. To be totally honest, it hurt me more to lose all my hair than the tattoo could ever hurt. I was so excited to get the tattoo that I don't even think I felt the pain. I hardly ever wear a wig anymore and yes, I do attract attention, but that was my purpose. I am able to tell people all about Alopecia because for some reason people feel more comfortable asking about my tattoos than assuming I have cancer!!! And, that was my intention all along. It is ultimately your decision, but I know for me (and my good friend Joyce- who by the way is in her 50's!!), that we made a great choice and have not had an ounce of regret. Good luck to you my friend in whatever you decide. Are you going to the NAAF conference in Houston? If so, Joyce and I will go with you to get your tattoo to hold your hand!!! Love and Hugs, Dotty
So far, I dont think anyone has beaten Dotty in terms of the numbers of tattoos she got. I was there at the tattoo parlour when she had more stars tattooed on the spaces between her existing tattoos and boy...many people had a "nice trip" passing by the alopecia awareness booth staring at Dotty's head...

In fact, Dotty's head is so colourful and beautifully decorated and her head has a good shape....that is perfect for! I used the picture of her head for the easter message I posted last year (2008) on the MSN Alopecia site...haha...

If your mind and heart is clear on what you want to do, then by all means go ahead...

A little note on tattoo remorse...I believe the increase in cases is because many people ( like youngsters due to peer pressure, fashion statement...etc) rushed into getting tattoo without knowing that it is permanent what it means... tattoo is something permanenet just as much the symbols on your skin brings a lifetime of meaning and change. I guess prioritize your reason for getting a tattoo is the key to avoid later change of mind.



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