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Support groups in the UK

Started this discussion. Last reply by Debs Jan 9, 2014. 1 Reply

Head tattoos ? Yes or no

Started this discussion. Last reply by Tracy May 16, 2013. 24 Replies

Bum Fluff!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Alisha Jennings Feb 17, 2010. 3 Replies

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This is me ! get over it.

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About Me:
I have had Alopecia Universalis since 2003. Mostly I am fine about it, but just occasionally, somebody stares or says something and it gets to me, but then I expect we are all like that.

I am single again after a long marriage. Being single has changed my outlook on life, I feel for the first time in years I am myself, but miss being in a relationship.

I know nobody who has alopecia, but suspect there are people in my area who are, but always wear a hair piece. My wig used to go on when the weather got chilly, and went back in the box asap ! but now I very rarely wear a wig. I felt that I was wearing the wig for other people and their feelings, and not for me, so now people see I’m bald and they are the ones who have to deal with it. I also feel at this moment in time, that my alopecia has a lot to answer for, but that changes depending on how my life is lol !

Its just nice to chat to people on the net, who understands and have the same feelings.
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Gill's Blog

Be gentle -I'm a "blog Virgin"

Posted on November 17, 2009 at 4:20am 4 Comments

Hello Everybody

Well this is assuming anybody will want to read my "Blog". I have never done one before so here goes. Just updated my profile so spent time wandering about the site.

Being fellow Alopecians, we all must have intresting/funny things happen to us.

I was reading Cal,s blog and it made me think about doinag a short one myself. She was speaking about reactions to going out bald. I have noticed that I get different reactions depending where are am, for instance, I… Continue

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At 4:13pm on September 18, 2012, David B327 said…

Hi Gill I read your discussion regarding head tattoos. I don't have one myself, and I can understand you being wwary. However I would say that if you decide that's what you want then go for it. Just make sure you pick the right design.

Take care

At 8:33am on May 17, 2009, margaret watson said…
Hi, I’m trying to arrange a get together this coming Saturday 23rd May. Can you meet up? When I find out who can make it I’ll arrange a mid way meeting place. I’m from Exeter – please let me know which town you coming from. I can’t wait to (at long last) meet others in the flesh who have alopecia. Margaret xx
At 3:59am on April 25, 2009, margaret watson said…
Hi Gill,
Trying to arrange a meet up in the exeter area or dorset. Where exactly to do live. I'm in Woodbury, between Exeter and Exmouth. Thinking of meeting up with Jude from Dorset one evening. Would be great if you could join us too. My mobile number is 07734102776. Feel free to give me a bell! Maybe we won't feel alone with alopecia for much longer.
Margaret x
At 3:58am on March 5, 2009, Kate said…
Hey Gill,
I love wearing my wigs - I have 3 and I used different ones for different occasions! I have a short light brown bob for work, very easy to look after and it looks smart. I then have an old long blonde one which I have had for about a year and I wear that on the weekend for doing stuff like heading to the pub for drinks or going out for a walk etc. I then have a brand new long blonde one which I wear to go out for dinner and to 'events'. I love it the most, it is so lush!!
When I am on holiday though I just wear scarves all day and then if I am going out to a nice restaurant I will wear my old blonde one. I find that square scarves are the best as you can then tight them quite tight and tuck the middle bit in. It is quite tricky to get them to stay on while you tie them though, especially when your head is cover in sun tan cream! Give them a go though as I think they look really nice and are great protection from the sun.
I'm bridesmaid at my sisters wedding soon, so I am looking forward to doing something fancy with my blonde hair - a few clips with diamantes and pearls!
Hope you are all good and not finding the hair too uncomfortable - you look great!
At 12:05pm on March 4, 2009, Kate said…
Hey there!
Hows it going? Just saw your photos and thought, wow, you look great with your hair on!
Hope you are having a happy 2009 so far! x
At 5:14pm on November 8, 2008, Heidi Worman said…
I am glad you enjoyed the day at Milton Keynes. thank you

Heidi x
At 2:55pm on October 13, 2008, Heidi Worman said…
Yes I see this all the time, its such a shame... I really do feel for people. The paste is good, but sometimes can cause a little bit of scarring. I am glad that you are please with the brows now.

Heidi x
At 1:19pm on October 13, 2008, Heidi Worman said…
Hi Gill, I hope you have seen my post in the Events "UK Event" One of the reasons for the event, is like you state, you don't know anyone with alopecia, well a lot of our clients have said this, so we now have the get together in Milton Keynes. Who did the Original brows if you don't mind me asking, and who did it the second time. What was the remover they used, was it something you had to do and keep on doing?

If you don't want to say on here no problem, just mail me have a good look around the site it is very good and friendly xx Heidi xx
At 10:06am on October 13, 2008, Beverley said…
Hey Gill, thanks for accepting the add. Hope you had a nice weekend.
At 12:52pm on October 5, 2008, Kate said…
I had problems tying them too for a while. What I find best is if you wear a head lining, just a cotton cap, first then put a scarf over the top. That way you are all nice and cozy inside and the silk scarf will stay in place so you are looking good on the outside! I get my little head caps from and they are really cheap (£3 or so).
If I was you I would give it a go cos they are actually really comfy and keep your head warm without having to wear your hair. I wear my hair quite a lot, always to work, as I love my wigs, but when I am doing the shopping on the weekend or just chilling out then I love my scarves! Works out well as I don't get fed up of wearing either and I always like my head to be nice and cozy!


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