So I have been thinking - whenever I read that a man prefers a bald women - something about it ... makes me look twice at him - it makes me to be honest look at him with suspicion. Yet, I am fine if a man says he prefers blonds or redheads or admires - say a woman's thick mane of curly black hair. There is not really a difference in some ways and yet in others it does feel different to me.

And then I think - well there are some men who actually prefer bald ladies and yet I have never seen a man say he preferred a lady with thinning hair, or a man who stated that he prefers to see a woman's shinny scalp through her carefully placed lace thin hair - hair such as I have. Sure there are guys who will 'accept it' but none that say the 'prefer it'.

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Robb I doubt many can cook as well as you !!!! : )
They've all been told not to feed you after midnight :)
And those who can't cook were told to feed you a... Burned and crispy dinner!
You guys are getting off-topic a bit...and that chicken is gross!
Ditto! That looks SO disgusting!
To return to topic (sort of) - I can safely say that's not the type of chick I go for....
So do you think they'd sell better if they were hairy? :)
That poor chicken.... has no-one told it that wig's just the wrong colour? It looks so artificial... maybe a natural chicken feather wig would be better. Whaddya reckon?
That sounds much better... still not convinced I'd fancy it, though. I can tell the type - I'd end up henpecked. And anyway, you'd never get it in the tin :)
Is that an allegory, by any chance? Or are we just "winging" it here, marching to the beat of out own drum(sticks)?
I guess no chicken was ready to give its feathers.... or it wasn't ready to a blonde chicken... especially if jokes why did the chicken crossed the road turn up...



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