I am looking for some opinions and insite...

A new Derm that I went to see this week at Hershey Medical center here in PA who is a Scalp and skin specialist has suggested I try squaric acid treatment.

Has anyone used this treatment and what is your opinion or outcome? I know everyone reacts differently but just trying to see if this is something I want to try.


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I agree with Joanne here. I had 100% full regrowth and only like 10% relapse, so it worked like a charm for me. So far. I started 18 months ago and since last november I have a full hair. Not sure how long it may last, but so far so good with SADBE.



Grimbau, I have been doing DCPC for 4 months now and have 50 percent regrowth. Currently at .03 percent. How long did you stay at the same percent before you had to increase? So far I get a mild redness and moderate itching, but not unbearable. If I put too much on, it blisters a tiny bit, but easily fixed with RX cream. Also, do you wash it off the next day? It is also snow white. Did yours get pigment eventually? Thanks for your help. This is the only thing that has worked so far.



What form of alopecia did you have before all of this? I have AU. Is this thing also used for facial hair growth (eyebrows & beard) or is it just limited to the scalp? because i hear it burns a bit

you'll have to find a dermatologist that uses it as a treatment option. it needs to be made at a compounding pharmacy and the derm will send the prescription.

I tried squaric acid  treatment last year and had a life threatening reaction to it.  Anaphylaxis.  I was lucky enough to get to the ER in time.  I've been using Plaquenil 150 MG per day for the past 7 months with excellent results.  A mild rash is my only side effect.  Good luck!!!  

Hey Dawn! Is your insurance covering the plaquenil since it is technically an RA drug? I am on methotrexate and insurance is covering that but I'm just curious about the plaquenil? Been on methotrexate since May and have had some peach fuzz regrowth and full regrowth of my eyebrows. (It's supposed to take a long time though from what I hear)Thanks!

Hi Julie!  My insurance does cover Plaquenil.  I pay $10 for 60 200 MG tabs, although I use the generic, Hydroxychloroquine.  Methotrexate isn't for me.  I've had reactions to it in the past............plus I can't drink on it.  I like my wine!

I'm with you Dawn.  I like my beer and don't want to take anything that would interfer with that.  lol.  I have no hair any where.  I've more or less accepted it.  I've been dealing with it since 1981 off and on.  I have to feel sorry for people that don't and try all sorts of expensive lotions and potions with no real or lasting result.

Go here and check out efficacy section:


Looks like it's no better than a placebo.

Anyone interested in drug treatments (for anthing) might want to check here first:


An interesting site with raw data that needs to be interpreted carefully (esp. with studies of low sample size).  Pass this address around, the more people that use it and report on it the more accurate ad complete the results.

Based on a study in the less severe form, we obtained a 80% rate of regrowth, compared to the 49% of the more severe form including 13 cases of AT and the two of AU. 

Apparently in a fairly large percentage of early cases this disease goes away without intervention.  Also, in the early stages it would appear to be a less severe form (certainly was in my case).  These two factors could be creating the appearance of a positive effect.  That said, if you are getting a 49% success rate among those who have had it a long time then that's pretty solid evidence.

I've had squaric treatment for one year and grew all my hair back then all of a sudden it fell out in 2 weeks...I had AA since 8 years old but kept my eyebrows and eyelashes...this time both fell out!!! My dermo is starting all over with the treatment..I'm hoping it works again.................good luck!!!!



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